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Drakah 09-02-2007 12:55 PM

Originally Posted by krowebar
about the rectangle around play on the patcher. Its like old school windows, if you didn't have a mouse, tab will move the box around to the next field. I 'spose this is so you can input all your info without using the mouse, use space to activate the current field with the rectangle. Tab will even select minimize and close, so make sure your on the right one when you select with space.
Also as a side note, while tabbing for your selection, if you pass up button you want, shift + tab will go backwards. Works just like alt + tab,(shift +alt + tab) for selecting running programs in windows.

I can understand that, but the other sony patchers didnt draw
(yea they did actually Draw that box ON the graphic file) that dotted box around the graphics, looks unfinished with them.

Inokis 09-02-2007 02:21 PM

Originally Posted by jozuah
theres a way to bypass the server select , and in 8 years i never knew this ?

PLEASE post how you do this

Path:\...\eqgame.exe patchme. As an example:

It doesn't bypass the server select, it just bypasses the patcher to get to the login screen directly. Then you just hit the connect to last server.

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