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Riegal 12-13-2003 04:15 PM

Greetings again

Sorry for the long time of waiting, but it is now nearly 100% finished and ready for testing.

Right now, the only thing that is the problem is getting the background (which I have been at for the past four hours) to become transparent.

The heartbeat monitor is in the works still, with the one changing colors and what not. Forry, if you read this, I could use your help with the one you had designed.. if you do not mind =)

Again, thanks for the waiting and encouragement to help me finish this. Will have it for downloading once the background becomes transparent.

Dolby 12-13-2003 08:58 PM

Thread moved to pre-beta forum. :D

Riegal 12-15-2003 07:54 AM

The first version of this can be downloaded at:


I am currently working on the next one right now. Keep in mind, this one does NOT have the heartbeat monitor. Read the readme.txt file for further information if you download it.

Son-of-a-Gun 12-15-2003 10:01 AM

Make on like the old resident evil , you know like the original. Blue is better than gold i think , the font should be clearer (maybe green if you change to blue). Also it would be nice if you made it for all window sizes.

Just my 2cp.

EDIT : BTW in the pic you have DIE not DYE.

Riegal 12-15-2003 10:14 AM

Thanks for the feedback so far.

And a note on the 'DYE'/'DIE' part.. I did that intentially.. (thought to myself, it still sounds the same, and since when did Chris, Claire, Jill, etc, able to 'dye' their clothes?)

Will change that on next version.

Kyoya 09-05-2004 09:17 AM

Have you ever thought of making an inventory mod based on the inventory window of the Resident Evil 1 remake for gamecube?
It looks awesome. :cool:

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