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FennyX 03-18-2004 09:09 AM

lucy is still giving updates, it was just one update they skipped.

Calliopeia 03-26-2004 01:19 PM

Kocho, also known as the lovely eqdiva, has a similar frustration and has talked about making a parser or partnering with someone else to do it.

Going to http://www.eqdiva.com and posting in the EQdiva Feedback section at the bottom of the Forums is generally one of the best ways to get in touch with her, if you're interested.

Muse Calliopeia the Bardess
Mithaniel Marr

Laroden 03-30-2004 07:01 PM

Extremeley clever idea, this one is going in my UI folder when i get home.

Drumstix42 04-26-2004 08:42 AM

Just saying, looking at your last 2 releases, for the month you have 05, while it's still 04/26/2004 :)

FennyX 04-26-2004 10:20 AM

woops :D

Drumstix42 04-26-2004 03:05 PM

Was kinda in a rush b4 pointing out the date on info, but anyhow....

I really love this List. It's probably the thing I use most when playing EQ. Definately a must have :)

Been using it for about 2 months now... and don't know what I'd do with out it.


Fyree 06-23-2004 10:36 AM

this file is way to big
four and one half megs for this is rediculous, if it were maby 200k or less i would consider getting it again, but at that size and the mess that it is to navigate to get to all those links is not worth it. i made the mistake of downloading it once trying to see if it was as good as you seemed to make it out to be. it was not. having said that....

If you would like to Make it better i have figured out a way for you to do it AND make it ALOT smaller, (as in 20-40k per class) download my druid spell list HERE to get the idea of what i mean (its 19.3k) and has back links that take you to the druid level listings, i am currently working on the cleric and enchanter spells list (and enchanter Research is done now and will be uploaded soon as i finish this post) once i get all of the different classes done i will be making one like spoofys (the whole set of all classes) but alot more user friendly.

This is not meant as a flame or whatever, just letting spoofy know that its way to big and he should try to make it better (I.E alot smaller and more user friendly) if he does that then i have no reason to keep making mine (trust me i'd rather him do all the work and me just download it). Was a great effort at making a complete listing but lacked on the user friendlyness and download size.... /cheers Spoofy heres to a better Listing in the future!

FennyX 06-23-2004 06:21 PM

yeah its not for everyone. if you think the download size is bad you should look at the actual size on disk.

although these files are all small, under 1k mostly, operating systems access disk drives in chunks called "clusters". so the smallest any file can be on disk is whatever size the cluster is on your system, for win2k/xp the default is 4k; it is on mine anyway. its pretty huge :)

having said that, i don't care about the size. i care about speed and being able to look things up rapidly. and thats what foofyspells does for me. you dont always know what class the spell belongs to, or what level it is. or maybe you only know something like it clobbered your BSS. the point is, foofyspells is geared entirely towards looking things up in a hurry, with whatever information you have available.

if all you're looking for is just the class spell lists then yeah, this is too much for you. but foofyspells is pretty darn flexible and if people really just want class indexes only, thats not hard to generate. i generate parts of foofyspells all the time for testing.

the main reason i don't make several small packages is because of the difficulty in updating/uploading multiple zips each patch. let's face it, i don't get paid for this. i'll keep this idea of generating subsets in mind though -- what would really be nice is being able to automate the upload part.

edit: i'd like to add that if the size of foofyspells is what really bugs, you can delete any of the indices you don't use. if all you want are the class by name and class by level indices, just delete everything but the LEVEL-xx.txt and ALPHA-xx.txt files and the data folder in the foofy subfolder. you can delete the attr folder too.

and there are links back to where you came from, they just aren't at the top of the spell detail pages. try clicking on the cyan-color field data, it takes you to the index that indexes that particular field. eg. click on CLR in the Classes field of a spell and you'll go to the alphabetical cleric list. if you click on the 9 in the CLR/9 part, you'll go to the 'by level' index for clerics. those links really added a lot to the size, but its what ppl wanted so use them! :)

Bikther 06-23-2004 07:25 PM

I have been using this Storyline file since it firt came out and never found difficult to navigate in the least.

Personally I think FennyX is doing us a huge favor by keeping on top of this so regularly.

Thanks Fenny and keep the updates comming :-)

Weskat 06-23-2004 10:10 PM

Re: this file is way to big
Originally posted by Fyree

If you would like to Make it better i have figured out a way for you to do it AND make it ALOT smaller, (as in 20-40k per class) download my druid spell list to get the idea of what i mean (its 19.3k) and has back links that take you to the druid level listings, i am currently working on the cleric and enchanter spells list (and enchanter Research is done now and will be uploaded soon as i finish this post) once i get all of the different classes done i will be making one like spoofys (the whole set of all classes) but alot more user friendly.

Yours is significantly smaller, several things it does not provide though.
1) No alpha listing - If I don't know the spell level I have to guess until I find it.
2) No spell effect messages - Wow, what was that spell I just got hit with ? What class can cast it ? The second part is very handy when figuring out strategy for taking down caster mob X

Those two right there far outweigh the difference in d/l file size, space on disk size, and the no back link in Foofy's spell list imho.
That being said, if I was on dial-up I would probably would not d/l Foofy's list every time it gets patched due to the size of the download. But I am on cable, so the d/l is insignificant and HD space is cheap so that is not an issue either (I haven't exceed 50% capacity on a HD since I tried to update my Win95 to Win98 on a 1.2GB HD.)

Thanks FennyX for a very useful mod (even if some peeps don't like it, at ~10000 d/l as of this post, its obvious ALOT of people do, myself included.)

Fyree 06-25-2004 09:45 AM

your absolutley right
yes mine don't have an Alpha listing, the reason mine was made is for the simple fact that for the most part, all i needed was a way to look up what spells i got when i dinged my spell level, having said that, i really don't worry to much about spell effect messages. As a druid if a mob nukes i root it and run out of range and dot the snot outta it till its dies (extended range is really nice). but enough of the rambling hehe, in all seriousness.

I do NOT Dislike foofys list in any way at all other than i think its a little to much info for me to dig through, but again like he said its not for everyone, and i was also unaware that he had added links for easier navigation, i will have to download and try this new version out, again like i said in the last post if it gets better i will use it 8) and it seems that he has made one of the most seeked after changes so it seems feasable to use again, thanks spoofy for the timly response.

As well as yours Weskat andBikther 8) (btw it still wasn't a Hate post he is doing a wonderful job on the updates and the mod)


Beowoulfe 08-09-2004 06:15 PM

THis is good
I use this alot, in fact all the time. If i am being raid buffed i dont have to worry about knowing what every lil spell is from every lvl, so I can pick and choose if i need.

The only thing i have to say is the new version is hard to get used to.

I did like the alpha list (click on A and all the spells starting with A is lined up).

And also the lvl of spells is a little harder to get used to although it is useful.

I did like you could see only lvl 65 spells for a wiz not 64-66 or what ever it is.

None the less it is a great mod and a job well done.
This was just my 2 cents.

FennyX 08-10-2004 12:43 PM

this is the first feedback i've had regarding the new style indices. it took me a bit of getting used to also :). in fact, i'd had them for over a month before i started posting them here -- i wasn't sure if people would like them.

after using them though, i found they are much much faster to use. these new indices really speed things up, no spell is more than 3 clicks away.

if you find after a bit of time you would still rather have the old style indices, just post again and i'll change the posted version here back to how it was and keep the new ones for myself; its just a matter of how i configure the script.

Drumstix42 08-11-2004 09:40 PM

I personally love the new interface. Mostly the level thing is cool, because you can pretty much go back now by click the level next to the class so you dont' have to go to a new search (like in the old interface). Though the the Alphabetical way makes you think a little (gotta learn those ABCs), it's still definately faster then click the left or right arrow until you get to where your going.

Great job!

mlewin 09-01-2004 05:25 PM

Yay for new index style
Thank you again for keeping this thing up-to-date. It rocks!

I saw that you were thinking of reverting to the old indexing style. While the new indexing style takes a bit of getting used to, it is gobs faster to navigate in a pinch. I definitely prefer it over the other indexing style.

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