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JarynVZ 11-23-2002 03:24 AM

JarynUI 3.3 (Drakah-based)
JarynUI Version 3.3
This is a Drakah-based UI and is approximately 1.75 megs to download.

3.3 includes all recent fixes and is ready for LoY.

New in version 3.0-3
- Added a music player plug-in designed for this UI.
- Added a short duration buff window (bard box).
- Moved player stats from hot button window to player window.
- Moved position of player window and group window.
- Changed textures from basic black to a classic light rock texture.

JarynUI Features:
-More user friendly compact Buff Window displaying beneficial effects as blue and adverse effects as red.
-Classic Style Tracking window.
-Complete stats visible in main console.
-Easy to read chat.
-Includes both a caster and melee version.

THIS SKIN RUNS IN 1280X1024 VIDEO MODE. Check to see if your video card and monitor supports this resolution before installing JarynUI.

Be sure to read the ReadMe included in the download for ridiculously detailed instructions!



Download from here:

P.S. Drakah has released a new UI similar to his original work that you might also like. :)

Caster Version:

Melee Version:

puurfection 11-23-2002 05:14 AM

Very nice I love this, would you email this to me? [email protected]

LimpLinkin 11-23-2002 11:30 AM

Very nice, when will you post it for download?

JarynVZ 11-23-2002 02:00 PM

Posted. Enjoy.

mcoski 11-24-2002 12:59 AM

Can you PLEASE post a pure melee one (monk), thanks

Smiticus 11-24-2002 01:16 AM

I would love a tight pure melee there are none.....:nana: - i love this guy, he doing the Hokie Pokie!

JarynVZ 11-24-2002 01:14 PM

Download 3.1 above

mcoski 11-24-2002 01:47 PM

Looks great, going to try it now

JarynVZ 11-27-2002 12:48 AM

Note: This skin is set up for 1280x1024 resolution. Check to make sure your video card/monitor supports this resolution.

Thanks for all the praise via tells, PMs and email. Glad people are enjoying it.

mcoski 11-27-2002 10:59 AM

Is it possible to put in a music player window somewhere and take out the actions window, im not sure how to adjust these things.

dzeh123 11-27-2002 01:55 PM

is there any possible way to detach the compass from that horizontal bar and put the bar on to something like the target window?(or even in another xml file that isn't used in that ui)

Theramor 11-27-2002 02:51 PM

Apologize if this is a stupid question......

But is there a way to put in a texutre, instead of it being black?

I'm not up on my XML so I'm not sure what to do.



JarynVZ 11-27-2002 07:34 PM

Mckoski, done, download below.

Dzeh, yes, it certainly is possible to detach the compass but I like having it built in where it is. I'll consider it for future versions.

Theramor, yes, 2.1 had the texture set as basic black as it was what I liked when I set it up. 3.0 is now ready and is textured. Only the chat screens remain black.

JarynVZ 11-28-2002 12:01 AM

Okay, well, based on feedback, I made the JarynUI Music Player Plug-in and will be changing the texture in the next version.

Here is the Music Player plug-in and is also included in the new JarynUI 3.0

zaran 11-28-2002 01:05 AM

smal Text Fonts
hi there,

first, i want to say how great your work is, looks really cool.

but i wonder what size your monitor has? 34"
I cant even read the small fonts in the left Text Box.
ok, i COULD read em, but i dont have a spyglass on me
while playing EQ =)
no offense, but is there a way to make this letters a little
Maybe the size in the right Text Box, thats a good size to read
and hey, i have a 21" monitor, doing fine with the original
drakah UI

could u please tell me how to change the letter size,
ur skin is really cool, and i would hate it downgrading
to drakah again.....

thanx for help

JarynVZ 11-28-2002 01:11 AM

Thanks, I appreciate the kind words.

As for the font size, simply click in the chat box you want to change and type /chatfontsize 4 (or 5, etc).


jagz2006 11-28-2002 09:55 AM

grr! i want to dl this, but my monitor wont let me go about 1024/768 res! its a 17inch cheap piece of crap (cant even find the brand name). my video card isnt the problem for sure (geforce 4 ti 4600). is there any way to force a higher resolution?

TANUVYEN 11-28-2002 01:12 PM

direct x issues
i follow the instructions and whenever eq starts up there is an error with direct X and it wont work. i think it has something to do with the part of the instructions where u edit ur eqini. in your eq directory from the old one to the new one that is in the download. also, you say to delete your UI_xoroduz_86.ini and put that name on the file UI_casters(or pure melee)_86.ini but my original ui character file thing doesnt have ini. after it. any feedback would really help, thanks

JarynVZ 11-28-2002 03:09 PM

You need to go to your windows preferences and enable file extentions to be displayed , you currently have them hidden.

Hundreds of people are using the UI with no such problems. If you are getting a direct x error, you should make sure you have the newest video card drivers and perhaps re-install Direct X 8.1.

Once you have file extentions enabled you'll probably have to delete your eqclient.ini and the UI_yourname_##.ini in your EQ directory, then the jaryn folder in your uifiles directory, then re-install.

As always, make sure your video card and monitor support running in 1280 x1024 mode.

I'm not here to provide tech support, but hopefully this will help you. :)

Caead 11-28-2002 04:29 PM

Didn't work for me =(
Hi, first off I wanted to say it looked real good, I downloaded it and changed monitor to the size you suggested, but had lots of problems... first, it retained the old UI with all the boxes in the original spaces/sizes... even after doing Select Skin... second, LOL My char, when I removed items, was literally nekid =P and his face looked like Robo-Cop and Terminator with metal plating.

Any ideas wtf happened? hehe any help would be greatly appreciated, might try to go reinstall it now

40 Bard

JarynVZ 11-28-2002 04:42 PM

Follow the directions carefully please. If you follow them to the tee, you won't have to set anything. All the settings are in the ini and xml files. Just log in after following the instuctions to the tee and it will be completely set up for you.

If you have followed the directions to the tee, your video card/monitor cannot support 1280x1024 resolution.


Caead 11-28-2002 04:50 PM

LOL Stupid me... right after I downloaded another UI that was just to see how it worked, and didnt install it.. however, it said it that it was an automatic installer or something. I went back and redid the install process for your's, and am going to try it agin now. Hopefully this time it will work.

BTW, a quick question: the folder that we move over from the download into the uifiles in EQ directory, is that jaryn, or the entire unzipped folder containing the UI_<Char's Name>_<Server Number>.ini files?

Thank again, hope to be back with good news!


EDIT: I tried it again, and this time my bard wasn't a nekid Terminator, but the rest of the skin didn't load. My computer should be able to run this screen size, so I don't believe that is the problem.

JarynVZ 11-28-2002 05:17 PM

Caead, please read the instuctions again carefully. You only have to move over the folder named "jaryn" to the folder named uifiles in your EQ directory and then the other 2 files to your main EQ directory. Again, all the directions are in the ReadMe that came with the download.

JarynVZ 11-28-2002 05:17 PM

3.0 is now ready and posted.

Caead 11-28-2002 05:26 PM

I'm sorry for making you go through all this work, but I'm curious about one thing: in the instructions for 3.0 (which I'm going to try) it states that "You will need to rename
this file to something like UI_Xerxus_86.ini For example, if your character name is Blizzy
and your server number was 86, your file should be named UI_Blizzy_86.ini" . I have a question regarding this: my file in the Jaryn folder currently says only UI_Caeadweu_83, with my char as Caeadweu and server as Xev 83. Do I need to add the .ini to the end of the file in the folder?

EDIT: Another question: does it matter if I change the amt. of Luclin graphics in Options to full?

JarynVZ 11-28-2002 08:06 PM

Luclin and Velious graphics have nothing to do with your UI. To turn on your file extentions on your computer, please seek windows technical help.

Again, if you follow the directions to the tee and your computer is compatible, you will have no problems with installing the UI.

TANUVYEN 11-28-2002 08:59 PM

i have all the updated drivers and ofcourse the updated version of directX or else i wouldnt be playing eq at all. i dont expect you to be like a customer service rep like the guy who keeps repetively posting questions that would be answered if he just read the instructions but yes ive done exactly what the instructions say , everything is where it should be, ive trippled checked. yes i switched the windows preferences so theyll show. im convinced its something with the editted eq.ini . but you are not a customer service rep so im not gonna bother asking you whats wrong or how to fix it. but if u do ever come across any ideas then could you post any that come to mind, k thanks

SinjoFV 11-28-2002 09:22 PM

Any chance yea an toss a version of this out in 1600x1200?

Rasten 11-28-2002 10:42 PM

Great UI m8 worked first time for me keep up the good work!

redshift 11-29-2002 12:28 AM

Just wanted to say thanks for your great work on this project. Keep it up, it's appreciated.

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