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Ellyana 10-16-2003 03:36 PM

Upcoming for October\November 2003
reposted from EQLive Upcoming Updates

Here are some things we're working on for the November update: (Please note: my producer is making me tell you that in addition to this list, we'll still be bug fixing and maintaining the live game and that, while we hope to get each of these features in, nothing is certain. But this is what we're working on at the present time.)

New LDoN raids will go Live - We be moving the two new raids that were introduced on Stormhammer to the Live servers. These raids will prove an interesting challenge for the best of guilds.

Another new LDoN raid - We will also be bringing one more new LDoN raid to Stormhammer with our next update. This raid will be created with Elemental capable characters in mind.

Font changes - Since EverQuest was launched, there has only been one font available. With the next update we plan to introduce the option for players to choose the font for their interface.

Targeting - Sometimes it can be difficult to tell which NPC you have targeted. With the next update we hope to add a targeting indicator of some sort (something like the ring that surrounds your target in EQOA). The exact form hasn't been decided, but the goal is to make seeing what you currently have targeted much easier.

Consider - Along the same lines as the proposed improvement to targeting, we want to add a way to distinguish the /con color of your target. We plan an indicator that will be easily distinguished once you have a target (probably someplace in the Target window), that should remove the need to use the /con command.

Other interface changes - We are also working on some other changes that will help you to organize your information. We plan to add a new text color option for damage shield reports that will allow you to pick what color those messages use. We also want to split the "My Pet Attacks" filter into two separate filters, one for hits and one for misses.

/tell windows - It is very easy to lose /tells in the confusion of combat. We want to add an option that would work much like an instant messenger. Each time you get a "tell" from a new character, a new chat window would open. That window will only display "tells" from the particular character, and any message sent from the chat window would automatically be sent as a "tell" to that character. Obviously this would be an optional feature.

Help for new players - New characters will start with a bag. This will give them a little more storage space and the opportunity to learn how storage containers work earlier rather than later. We are also working on removing one of the more tedious "features" of the game, the need to practice Sense Heading. Most folks have that skill mapped to trigger along with one of their movement keys. Not an exciting skill to practice. So we plan to have all characters start with a 200 skill in Sense Heading. This will allow new players to navigate more easily, and will reduce a bit of tedium over the course of gameplay.


Drakah 10-16-2003 03:56 PM

OMG the letter about fonts they actually submitted?

I think Im about to fall over and faint.

WTG SOE! WHOOT! :nana:

~ I went over to eqlive site, and I did not see this text actually posted there. Where did you find this lovely info?

Ellyana 10-16-2003 04:02 PM

Under Game Updates - Upcoming Updates


Drakah 10-16-2003 04:04 PM

thanks hun =) /hugz

forry 10-16-2003 04:05 PM

I hope they add an on/off button for the chat window popup thing. Other than that, everything looks really cool. :D

EDIT: Ok...can you tell I don't read very well when I'm in a hurry! :D

Ellyana 10-16-2003 04:06 PM

It says that will be Optional. :)

LiamLee 10-16-2003 04:16 PM

Consider Done Right
I just hope that the CONSIDER feature will be usable in other windows other than the target window. My target info is in my player window and I like having it there. Maybe they might assign it to an EQTYPE so it would be usable in other windows.


Fozzik 10-16-2003 04:24 PM

YaY for fonts!!
The only thing that concerns me is if it's a blanket change... you want a different font in the chat windows, and it changes all the fonts, including the names over people's heads. I hope they give a decent amount of control.

What's the deal with all the help for young characters?!? In my day we had to walk to and from the merchants... uphill both ways! We didn't have bags or a compass... and we liked it!! hehe.

Looks like good stuff. If only fixing old bugs was a little higher on the list... I love new stuff, but problems that have been around for years in some cases are kind of a bad mark on SoE. They need to know their own game well enough to get the oldest bugs out eventually.

kenney 10-16-2003 04:30 PM

So we plan to have all characters start with a 200 skill in Sense Heading. This will allow new players to navigate more easily, and will reduce a bit of tedium over the course of game play.

I think this a really dumb.. why not have the newbies hit sense heading like we have for over 4 years....why would anyone want to level up if your going to give them all the options that higher level have??

In my opinion if there to dumb to know how to hit a button then they don't belong in this game..

Other wise it looks good =)

Fyrfytr 10-16-2003 05:28 PM

I think those of us who learned Sense Heading the old-fashioned way should get a reward...like an AA or two!


Qinadwen 10-16-2003 05:59 PM

Great...now I only soent the last two weeks practicing my Sense heading for nothing...*weeps a bit*...but all my new chars wont have too...hehe

Taleisin 10-16-2003 06:26 PM

they are finally giving us the ability to change fonts.... guess I can trash my hack that does that :P

Help for new players - New characters will start with a bag. This will give them a little more storage space and the opportunity to learn how storage containers work earlier rather than later. We are also working on removing one of the more tedious "features" of the game, the need to practice Sense Heading. Most folks have that skill mapped to trigger along with one of their movement keys. Not an exciting skill to practice. So we plan to have all characters start with a 200 skill in Sense Heading. This will allow new players to navigate more easily, and will reduce a bit of tedium over the course of gameplay.

1 year later

Help for new players - New characters will start with their epics, and 30000plat. This will give them a little more twink ability and the opportunity to learn how to handle the stress of getting to level 65 in 2 weeks. We are also working removing one of the more tedious "features" of the game, the need to practice anything. Most folks don't have the time to work on their skills. So we plan to add a macro into the game that will let you raise your skills by 200 points all at once, untill they are all capped.

LancerChronics 10-16-2003 06:36 PM

I wish they would do the same thing to some of my rogue skills as they are doing to sense heading, i practice sense/disarm traps the exact same way...and sense/disarm traps takes much longer...

Raynsmajic 10-16-2003 07:19 PM

heh, im extremely happy they are basically doing away with the sense heading skill.... heh, now i have another space for a hotkey... makes me very very very very happy :D :D

and that text feature will be AWESOME!!!!!
ive been wanting to change my text for a while..... CAN'T WAIT!!!
heh, that target/con thing seeme like it will be really kewl......
maybe i will be able to break my habit of hitting the "C" button every couple of seconds during combat, lol....
alls i can say is, wow, SoE is actually doin sommat really kewl!!
/cheers!! :D :D

Cijam 10-16-2003 07:34 PM

First you dont have to have yer view blocked with a book while medding ..

Now you dont have to work yer sense heading??

Sheesh kids now adays got it too easy <GRIN>

kenney 10-16-2003 09:24 PM

I can see that working some what, all ppl that have sence heading to 200 should get 2 AAs ...

Cairenn 10-16-2003 09:48 PM

Re: Upcoming for October\November 2003
Originally posted by Ellyana
Font changes - Since EverQuest was launched, there has only been one font available. With the next update we plan to introduce the option for players to choose the font for their interface.

I've posted in the Test forum (as per usual) the changes as they currently stand. What I've determined thus far is that it allows you to choose any font you have installed on your computer, via a drop down list on the first tab of the in-game Options Window (alt + O). It currently affects all text that you see on your screen, including NPC names, PC names, even the lag meter.

Targeting - Sometimes it can be difficult to tell which NPC you have targeted. With the next update we hope to add a targeting indicator of some sort (something like the ring that surrounds your target in EQOA). The exact form hasn't been decided, but the goal is to make seeing what you currently have targeted much easier.

Didn't notice this right off the top, I'll have to go back and look again to see if I can "see" it.

Consider - Along the same lines as the proposed improvement to targeting, we want to add a way to distinguish the /con color of your target. We plan an indicator that will be easily distinguished once you have a target (probably someplace in the Target window), that should remove the need to use the /con command.

Currently this shows up as a border around the target window, without any changes to the EQUI_TargetWindow.xml file. ie, no EQ Type number, ie no moving it to another window, it goes around the target window and that's it.

Other interface changes - We are also working on some other changes that will help you to organize your information. We plan to add a new text color option for damage shield reports that will allow you to pick what color those messages use. We also want to split the "My Pet Attacks" filter into two separate filters, one for hits and one for misses.

These are both in as changes to the EQUI_OptionsWindow.xml. The two dealing with the pet are on the "filters" tab, and the dmg shield reports is on the "color" page along with the rest of them. ;)

/tell windows - It is very easy to lose /tells in the confusion of combat. We want to add an option that would work much like an instant messenger. Each time you get a "tell" from a new character, a new chat window would open. That window will only display "tells" from the particular character, and any message sent from the chat window would automatically be sent as a "tell" to that character. Obviously this would be an optional feature.

No sign of this, but I was only on very very briefly, just long enough to get the xml file changes. No option in the Options window to turn it off, so not sure how you choose. Will post when I find out.

Haliken 10-16-2003 10:11 PM

Currently this shows up as a border around the target window, without any changes to the EQUI_TargetWindow.xml file. ie, no EQ Type number, ie no moving it to another window, it goes around the target window and that's it.

I SERIOUSLY hope this is how it goes live. It'd go perfectly with my target window. Sucks for all of you that use the player window as a target window, but that's why it's the player window...


P.S. - Goin' to check out test server.

Inokis 10-16-2003 10:15 PM

It's taken me 6 months, 46 lvls and a lot of sitting there clicking my button on sense heading, in my free time, while medding for me to EARN the privilege of having a steady compass and an arrow on my map. Some noob should not be able to walk out of their little shell into the world and know where the hell they're goin. I didn't get to, and I know half of you were just as frustrated when you started as I was. Think of it as hazing for a new player. Now they're telling me all my effort was useless!!!! They need to rethink this!!!

Inokis Tr'wfelle
46th Knight of the Dark Arts

Zantaklawz 10-16-2003 10:21 PM

Originally posted by kenney
I can see that working some what, all ppl that have sence heading to 200 should get 2 AAs ...

Only problem. What about the people who aren't at the level where they get AA's?

Targeting - Sometimes it can be difficult to tell which NPC you have targeted. With the next update we hope to add a targeting indicator of some sort (something like the ring that surrounds your target in EQOA). The exact form hasn't been decided, but the goal is to make seeing what you currently have targeted much easier.

Quite a few games have already implemented this aside from EQOA. About time that they figured this out. EQ may be ahead of its times in some areas, but its still first generation in others.

Haliken 10-16-2003 10:38 PM

Ok, the /con color around the target window looks terrible. It's 4 pixels thick. I'll need to seriously tweak my UI so it won't look so lame. This should just be one pixel thick like the autoattack border.

The MP3 window doesn't close when you hit ESC on test server. Yay!

My newbie had 200 sense heading and a bag. Boo. Super boo, I hate SOE for this. I worked up sense heading to 200 years before there was a compass window, or new UI, or anything.

The font options suck. Anything except Arial looks horrible. I mean, Times New Roman and OCR A Extended I "liked" but f'ed up parts of my UI that depend on the font being Arial. I wish I could force the font using my UI. Maybe I'll just cut out the font change options or put a big warning label near the option.

Oh, also they made "/load uiname" the same as "/load uiname 1", if I wanted to reset window spots I had to use "/load uiname 0"


BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! When you zone the MP3 window closes. You suck SOE!

Reiyndancr 10-17-2003 01:31 AM

Sense heading
I wonder if they plan on adjusting the character balance for dwarves since part of their racial benefit was to have a sense heading skill that started at 50.

Inokis 10-17-2003 02:41 AM

My guildies and i were talking bout what else they could add:

Everyone becomes 64, but have to earn 65 to be Epic.

Mobs turn pink and say Hi friend, instead of aggro you.

Just get rid of the sense heaidng skill altogether furthermore, those with 200 keep steady compass, those that never reached 200 are forever stuck with an inaccurate compass.

Zantaklawz 10-17-2003 02:57 AM

How long before the game will flat out tell you, when you con a creature, "you will die" or "you will live". No "you might survive" or any other con. Just a simple "Death" or "Life" The results are already destined for you before you attack it, so you know what to avoid. Theres no combat, if you are destined to win you just click attack and boom, you have your experience and loot, and move on your merry way. And if you attack an "you will die" creature, the game automatically ports you to your bind location without even throwing an attack.

Soes 10-17-2003 03:21 AM

Originally posted by Haliken
Ok, the /con color around the target window looks terrible. It's 4 pixels thick. I'll need to seriously tweak my UI so it won't look so lame. This should just be one pixel thick like the autoattack border.

Oh crap.. that's gonna look terrible on the T.King/Drakah target window (like in SoesUI) :mad:

Inokis 10-17-2003 03:43 AM

Are they already using the changes on test server?

Inokis 10-17-2003 03:45 AM

Why not just make a gauge similar to the green small pet gauge, that goes either above or below the target with the con color?

ralcon 10-17-2003 04:42 AM

Oh man have they totally wussed out this EQ or what. Next dang update will have all newbs given 100 plat for free and the begging skill maxed also so they can just beg NPCs for their money and gear. Soon it will be We got rid of the loss of xp till level 20 and now all players can summon their corpse like the necro spell.

I mean Come on guys. Is the new Generation of player so stupid they cannot figure out how to do anything and need it all done for them? *sigh* Started playing Jan of 2000 and now its so darn easy its awful. You do not learn any survival skills if all is done for you. :mad:

Amitan 10-17-2003 05:52 AM

The MP3 window doesn't close when you hit ESC on test server. Yay!

Bah it closes when you zone? that sucks yes.
Any else checked with note window? friends ? does it close when you press ESC?

kenney 10-17-2003 07:00 AM

Originally posted by kenney
I can see that working some what, all ppl that have sence heading to 200 should get 2 AAs ...

Only problem. What about the people who aren't at the level where they get AA's?
.................................................. .................................................. ......................................

Ok so a few loose out, what the hell do you think, we that have been playing so long are loosing out of.. She'ot if i worked at sony I would take the map away from n00bies till they reach 200 skill...

What, People really getting this Stuped that they need everything handed to them? Looks that way to me!!

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