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Kalthazz 10-08-2008 12:56 PM

attack indicator
anyone figure out or how to set the attack flashing indicator on the player window to flash border around the whole player window instead of just around the players name?

Kelso 10-08-2008 01:09 PM

Originally Posted by Kalthazz
anyone figure out or how to set the attack flashing indicator on the player window to flash border around the whole player window instead of just around the players name?

its made out of 4-5 parts in default setting now, so if you're just talkin about default window then find those elements and change Offsets.


in my UI i just use Top and set it to actual size of my attack indicator and changeing autostretch to false so it remains static and just ignore rest of them my setting their sizes to 0s

taylor13 10-08-2008 01:13 PM

You would just need to make it cover the entire window (and remove the fill animation if you just want the border).

look at this thread for an explanation on how the anchoring works.

What you would want to do is anchor the pieces as follows

Left attack anim:
Left anchored to left - offset 0 (or the spacing you want between the left border and anim)
Top anchored to top - offset 0 (or the spacing you want between top of window and anim)
Right anchored to left - offset width of Left attack anim animtion + left offset
Bottom anchored to bottom - offset 0 (or the spacing you want between bottom of window and anim)

Right attack anim:
Left anchored to right - offset is the width of the anim + right offset
Top anchored to top - offset 0 (or the spacing you want between top of window and anim)
Right anchored to right - offset 0 (or the spacing you want between right of window and anim)
Bottom anchored to bottom - offset 0 (or the spacing you want between bottom of window and anim)

etc...top and bottom are similar except switched between left/right and top/bottom anchors and offsets.

Hopefully that makes some sense.

-- Lashden

Kaliaila 10-08-2008 01:36 PM

As someone who actually has been moding their own UIs for a few years, that isn't helping at all. Now if you could describe it with respect to the size of the whole window that might actually help.

When explaining something like this you need to describe everything involved and make it as simple as possible. For the vast majority of people this offset thing is never going to make sense. You need to go in to any description with that in mind.

lodidodi 10-08-2008 02:01 PM

Originally Posted by Kaliaila
For the vast majority of people this offset thing is never going to make sense.
Lashden actually gave you a fairly good and straightforward description.

Unfortunately if you're using resizable windows you can't simply dismiss "this offset thing" without even trying to understand it, since offsets are the only way to handle a window with a changing height and width. It's actually a pretty simple concept if you think about it - an offset of 0 means no offset, so that means you're covering the entire window. An offset of 20 for all dimensions means you're leaving a 20 pixel border around all the edges uncovered.

If you're not allowing your window to be resized, then you can just use


and then use the static <Location> and <Size> tags to put the graphic at a location of 0,0 with a size matching the entire window, and remain blissfully ignorant about how anchors/offsets work.

EDIT: Actually it's been a while since I've worked on UIs so it might actually be "<AutoStretch>true</AutoStretch>" that determines if it uses the anchors/offsets or the location/size.

Lodi Dodi

Kaliaila 10-08-2008 02:35 PM

Maybe if you already understand how it works or are rather well versed in xml and UI modding, it is straight forward. But if the offsets by themselves are already counter-intutive to you, then how confusing is it when you are being forced to put together something that was previously a single piece?

Also, I never in any way advocated remaining ignorant of how offsets worked. I said that when you are explaining something like he was you have to do it so that even the stupidest person can go thru and grasp it. When you do that it generally gives the person you are explaining to a better chance of understanding it if they do not process things the same way you do.

taylor13 10-08-2008 02:52 PM

Well, if you can explain it better then have at it.


If you're not allowing your window to be resized, then you can just use


and then use the static <Location> and <Size> tags to put the graphic at a location of 0,0 with a size matching the entire window, and remain blissfully ignorant about how anchors/offsets work.

EDIT: Actually it's been a while since I've worked on UIs so it might actually be "<AutoStretch>true</AutoStretch>" that determines if it uses the anchors/offsets or the location/size.

You're correct, to do absolute positioning you would use <autostretch>false</autostretch> and then use the normal <size> and <location> elements.

-- Lashden

Kalthazz 10-08-2008 03:07 PM

attack indicator
well i will let someone more inclined at xml coding figure it out if I can ask someoen to look at this code and actually change the flashing borders for the attack indicator as I have no idea what or how to do this on my own as I dont want to mess up something that I have little understanding of what to do!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?>
<XML ID="EQInterfaceDefinitionLanguage">
<Schema xmlns="EverQuestData" xmlns:dt="EverQuestDataTypes"></Schema>

<!-- TSS Additions -->

<Ui2DAnimation item="A_PWCSInCombat">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_PWCSTimer">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_PWCSDebuff">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_PWCSStanding">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_PWCSRegen">

<Gauge item="Player_CombatTimer">

<Label item="Player_CombatTimerLabel">

<Button item="PW_CombatStateAnim">
<!-- End TSS Additions -->

<Gauge item="Player_HP">
<Label item="Player_HPLabel">
<Label item="Player_HPPercLabel">
<Gauge item="Pet_HP">

<Gauge item="Player_Mana">
<Label item="Player_ManaLabel">
<Label item="Player_ManaPercLabel">
<Gauge item="Player_Fatigue">
<Label item="Player_FatigueLabel">
<Label item="Player_FatiguePercLabel">

<Gauge item="Player_XP">
<Label item="Player_XPLabel">
<Label item="Player_XPPercLabel">
<Gauge item="Player_AAXP">
<Label item="Player_AAXPLabel">
<Label item="Player_AAXPPercLabel">
<Label item="Player_Name">
<ScreenID>Player Name</ScreenID>
<Text>Player name</Text>

<TextureInfo item="AttackIndicator.tga">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorTop">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorBottom">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorLeft">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorRight">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorFill">
<StaticAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorAnimTop">
<StaticAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorAnimBottom">
<StaticAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorAnimLeft">
<StaticAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorAnimRight">
<StaticAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorAnimFill">

<Button item="PW_VoiceVolume">
<Button item="GW_GroupRoleTank">

<Button item="GW_GroupRoleAssist">

<Button item="GW_GroupRolePuller">

<Label item="Player_HPNumber">

<Label item="Player_HPDiv">

<Label item="Player_HPMax">
<Label item ="Player_CurrentMana">

<Label item ="Player_ManaDiv">

<Label item ="Player_MaxMana">
<Label item="Player_ACLabel">

<Label item="Player_ACLabelColon">

<Label item="Player_AC">

<Label item="Player_ATKLabel">

<Label item="Player_ATKLabelColon">

<Label item="Player_ATK">

<Screen item="PlayerWindow">


taylor13 10-08-2008 03:23 PM

Ok, here's something to try if you want. Make a backup of that window and try these changes (in bold). I'm at work and can't test them in EQ but it should work

<StaticAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorAnimBottom"> <ScreenID>A_AttackIndicatorAnimBottom</ScreenID> <Animation>A_AttackIndicatorBottom</Animation> <AutoDraw>false</AutoDraw> <AutoStretch>true</AutoStretch> <TopAnchorOffset>4</TopAnchorOffset> <BottomAnchorOffset>0</BottomAnchorOffset> <LeftAnchorOffset>0</LeftAnchorOffset> <RightAnchorOffset>0</RightAnchorOffset> <TopAnchorToTop>false</TopAnchorToTop> <BottomAnchorToTop>true</BottomAnchorToTop> <LeftAnchorToLeft>true</LeftAnchorToLeft> <RightAnchorToLeft>false</RightAnchorToLeft> </StaticAnimation> <StaticAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorAnimLeft"> <ScreenID>A_AttackIndicatorAnimLeft</ScreenID> <Animation>A_AttackIndicatorLeft</Animation> <AutoDraw>false</AutoDraw> <AutoStretch>true</AutoStretch> <TopAnchorOffset>3</TopAnchorOffset> <BottomAnchorOffset>3</BottomAnchorOffset> <LeftAnchorOffset>0</LeftAnchorOffset> <RightAnchorOffset>4</RightAnchorOffset> <TopAnchorToTop>true</TopAnchorToTop> <BottomAnchorToTop>false</BottomAnchorToTop> <LeftAnchorToLeft>true</LeftAnchorToLeft> <RightAnchorToLeft>true</RightAnchorToLeft> </StaticAnimation> <StaticAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorAnimRight"> <ScreenID>A_AttackIndicatorAnimRight</ScreenID> <Animation>A_AttackIndicatorRight</Animation> <AutoDraw>false</AutoDraw> <AutoStretch>true</AutoStretch> <TopAnchorOffset>3</TopAnchorOffset> <BottomAnchorOffset>3</BottomAnchorOffset> <LeftAnchorOffset>4</LeftAnchorOffset> <RightAnchorOffset>0</RightAnchorOffset> <TopAnchorToTop>true</TopAnchorToTop> <BottomAnchorToTop>false</BottomAnchorToTop> <LeftAnchorToLeft>false</LeftAnchorToLeft> <RightAnchorToLeft>false</RightAnchorToLeft> </StaticAnimation> <StaticAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorAnimFill"> <ScreenID>A_AttackIndicatorAnimFill</ScreenID> <Animation>A_AttackIndicatorFill</Animation> <AutoDraw>false</AutoDraw> <AutoStretch>true</AutoStretch> <LeftAnchorOffset>4</LeftAnchorOffset> <TopAnchorOffset>3</TopAnchorOffset> <RightAnchorOffset>5</RightAnchorOffset> <BottomAnchorOffset>4</BottomAnchorOffset> <BottomAnchorToTop>false</BottomAnchorToTop> <RightAnchorToLeft>false</RightAnchorToLeft> </StaticAnimation>

Halelen 10-08-2008 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by Kalthazz
well i will let someone more inclined at xml coding figure it out if I can ask someoen to look at this code and actually change the flashing borders for the attack indicator as I have no idea what or how to do this on my own as I dont want to mess up something that I have little understanding of what to do!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?>
<XML ID="EQInterfaceDefinitionLanguage">
<Schema xmlns="EverQuestData" xmlns:dt="EverQuestDataTypes"></Schema>

<!-- TSS Additions -->

<Ui2DAnimation item="A_PWCSInCombat">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_PWCSTimer">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_PWCSDebuff">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_PWCSStanding">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_PWCSRegen">

<Gauge item="Player_CombatTimer">

<Label item="Player_CombatTimerLabel">

<Button item="PW_CombatStateAnim">
<!-- End TSS Additions -->

<Gauge item="Player_HP">
<Label item="Player_HPLabel">
<Label item="Player_HPPercLabel">
<Gauge item="Pet_HP">

<Gauge item="Player_Mana">
<Label item="Player_ManaLabel">
<Label item="Player_ManaPercLabel">
<Gauge item="Player_Fatigue">
<Label item="Player_FatigueLabel">
<Label item="Player_FatiguePercLabel">

<Gauge item="Player_XP">
<Label item="Player_XPLabel">
<Label item="Player_XPPercLabel">
<Gauge item="Player_AAXP">
<Label item="Player_AAXPLabel">
<Label item="Player_AAXPPercLabel">
<Label item="Player_Name">
<ScreenID>Player Name</ScreenID>
<Text>Player name</Text>

<TextureInfo item="AttackIndicator.tga">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorTop">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorBottom">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorLeft">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorRight">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorFill">
<StaticAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorAnimTop">
<StaticAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorAnimBottom">
<StaticAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorAnimLeft">
<StaticAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorAnimRight">
<StaticAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorAnimFill">

<Button item="PW_VoiceVolume">
<Button item="GW_GroupRoleTank">

<Button item="GW_GroupRoleAssist">

<Button item="GW_GroupRolePuller">

<Label item="Player_HPNumber">

<Label item="Player_HPDiv">

<Label item="Player_HPMax">
<Label item ="Player_CurrentMana">

<Label item ="Player_ManaDiv">

<Label item ="Player_MaxMana">
<Label item="Player_ACLabel">

<Label item="Player_ACLabelColon">

<Label item="Player_AC">

<Label item="Player_ATKLabel">

<Label item="Player_ATKLabelColon">

<Label item="Player_ATK">

<Screen item="PlayerWindow">


if you attach the actual xml i can change it for you rather easy...question is do you just want border or do you want border and fill or just fill?


Halelen 10-08-2008 04:02 PM

1 Attachment(s)
try this one

Cynastar 10-08-2008 04:09 PM

Will this fix work for the Quartz UI as well?

Cynastar 10-08-2008 05:02 PM

Scratch that...just confirmed it's not gonna work for Quartz! Bah!!!

Halelen 10-08-2008 05:13 PM

actually you can grab the player window out of quartz redux leather and change all .dds files to .tga and will be identical to quartz


Cynastar 10-08-2008 05:18 PM

and this would allow me to have character window flash when I'm attacking something correct?

Halelen 10-08-2008 05:22 PM

yes it is same as quartz except it has all the new functions including flashing attack indicator

Cynastar 10-08-2008 05:27 PM

Do you have a link to just that one attack function? Or do I need to download the full thing?

Halelen 10-08-2008 05:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by Cynastar
Do you have a link to just that one attack function? Or do I need to download the full thing?

melee or caster?
here is caster version and already converted back to tga

Cynastar 10-08-2008 05:37 PM


Cynastar 10-08-2008 06:17 PM

1 Attachment(s)
that did not work at all!!! moved you file into Quartz folder and logged back in and my whole window is messed up...boxes moved everywhere! Guess I'm just gonna have to deal with how it was! Thanx for trying though!

Halelen 10-08-2008 06:20 PM

post your original player file and i can fix in a sec

Cynastar 10-08-2008 06:30 PM

I added it to other post!

Halelen 10-08-2008 06:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
ok try it now

Cynastar 10-08-2008 07:01 PM

completely trashed again!!! isn't there something else that can be done? boxes everywhere again. just like last file I tried!

Cynastar 10-08-2008 07:04 PM

I did check to see if when attacking something the character box flashed red!! This is all I want is something that would trigger as it did before patch! Figures something so, small and trivial I guess being such a pain to fix!

Halelen 10-08-2008 07:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)
ok there ya go

Cynastar 10-08-2008 07:37 PM

Hey, that'll work just perfect!!! Thanx much for helping me out with this! I know it was trivial but, sadly it was something I was use to seeing and felt I had to have back! WOOT...Hal rocks!!!

Kalthazz 10-08-2008 09:25 PM

attack indicator
any way you can make the attack indicator just a thin border that goes around the player windows own border so its like a flashing frame instead of a box?

Halelen 10-08-2008 10:56 PM

Originally Posted by Kalthazz
any way you can make the attack indicator just a thin border that goes around the player windows own border so its like a flashing frame instead of a box?

yes just find the offsets for the animation fill and set top border to like 1000 and that will remove it from screen


Travaar 10-23-2008 01:11 PM

So if I simply add that attack indicator code to let's say the target window, will it work? Understood I might need to make a couple of minor tweaks to get the offset right.

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