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Daggun 10-23-2002 08:09 PM

Razors Edge v4 UI Skin
1 Attachment(s)
I created this Skin using Abattoir and T.King graphics.

I changed the layout and added abunch of things.

1) All of the Inventory slots.
2) Right Clickable boxes, that can be changed to any slot. (just read the rightclickys.txt
3) Moved the Timer to the Group windows WITH the regular group window items. (This way you don't loose any windows for a timer)
4) Made both Caster and Non-Caster versions to run in 1024x768 and 1152x864
5) Made a Config Razors.bat file to do all the config work.
6) Made it were you can have a stadard or Razors Edge target bar.
7) Made it PATCH RESISTANT. (Should not be effected by most patches)
8) Weapons slots and Ranged and Ammo.

I was wondering what you peeps think of it. The zip file can be downloaded HERE

Hunkaboog 10-24-2002 07:25 AM

friendly comments
I understand making new ui skins must be tough, and I doubt i can do better but here are some comments.

first off, the thing on bottom right with stats is nice, but the thing i do not like is all the pictures of your iksar monk :p

inventory screen is rather large, also. since i play on Rallos it'd be hard to bag your stuf when you know youre going to die.

other than that is cool, i undertsnad how you can love your character and youre just showin him off to everyone!

i'd like to see your next one, if you try at it ! POW dancing banana:nana: POW

Daggun 10-24-2002 12:05 PM

Thank you for your kind words. To let you know, the Hotbutton window and Inventory window in the skin are WITHOUT the Iksar monk in it, that is just how I customized mine and explained in the Readme.txt how others could do the same with their toons pics. I was just showing off that you could do with the unused space in them. I understand the Inventory window being to big for a PVP conflict, but sense I am on a Care Bear server, I didn;t think of this. I will look into a smaller PVP designed Inventory and see if I come up with something nice.

Again, thanks for the nice words and A Dancing Banana.


pardolebowski 10-25-2002 06:21 PM

cant open
I can't open the config razors or eq directory please help me and my banana freind



Daggun 10-26-2002 02:52 AM

I will need alittle bit more info than that. You can't find or open your EQ directory? (refering to the Everquest directory on your C Drive, were ever it was installed) The config razors.bat is in the zip file, just unzip it, and make sure to read the Readme.txt

Rayek 10-28-2002 06:02 PM

I had to look closely but the amount of info you have fit neatly into such a small space is rather nifty. I'm rather surprised at the lack of comments as I can only guess most people are thrown by the..."I don't want an Iksar Monk as my background" before checkin out the ReadMe....nice job....I especially like the Group HP/Mana percentages....

Daggun 10-28-2002 09:24 PM

Thank you,

I liked the graphics and thought it just needed a twist on the layout and *poof* I started to learn XML and once I figured it out, I was quite exited. I work for a week to get v1 done, and then after using it for a day or two, I come up with some changes and I had requests. So I tweaked till it became what it is today. I even brain stormed and found a way to help make it more patch resistant. Now nothing is 100%, but it would take a direct major CHANGE from Verant, in one of the windows I have moded, to make the Skin NOT work. So far it has passed all of the PoP patches unharmed. And you still get the benefits of all the additional windows & changes Verant is still making for the PoP release.

Glad you like it and hope it makes the game more fun for a lot of people.


Thorndike 10-29-2002 02:29 PM

just one request
I like the mod, but I have just one real issue. The buff icons. I've been using a Vert mod for a long time and I find it infinately more convenient to see the full name of the buffs listed. This is especially helpful on raids when you need to know exactly which buffs wore off or were dispelled so you can ask for rebuffs. Clicking on each buff to find out is annoying. Is there a way you can seperate the buffs and list them in picture AND name?

Libbiy 10-29-2002 04:16 PM

Any chance you can do this in 1600x1200?

Kadaru 10-29-2002 11:58 PM

Nice, but one prob
Like your new UI..only one prob..I cannot get the Actions screen to come up. I use ALT+M and no window comes up

Kadaru 10-30-2002 12:01 AM

Oh, also, Im not seeing any hotkey to bring the Spell book up.

Daggun 10-30-2002 03:25 PM

You can open the spell book by using CTRL+B or /book and you can do /book (page #)

ALT+M Should work for the Actions Menu, if not, you need to use ALT+O and open the options menu and go to the keyboard tab and remap it.

Hope that helps you out.

Daggun 10-30-2002 03:34 PM

Buff Bar
You can simply delete my 'EQUI_BuffWindow.xml' file and install any Buff bar mod you like. It is compatable with almost everything. If you get errors, just e-mail me your 'UIErrors.txt' file from your Everquest directory and tell me what mod your using and I will make it work.:D :D :D

as far as making a 1600x1200 i don't even think my Monitor could handle that, lol sorry. :( :( :(

Nosredna 10-30-2002 06:24 PM

I downloaded the file and followed the instructions as posted in the readme file. The setup batch file does not run and upon further investigation I determined that the choose command is the problem. Is there a fix for this issue?



Vorix Fatalfist 10-30-2002 09:41 PM

bad file name
Hello I downloaded your UI and read the readme but when I open the config file it gives me an error message. can you help me?:nana:

Daggun 11-01-2002 09:12 PM

Batch Bad?
I have found out thanks to reports from a vast amount of people and them all having diffrent OS's, that, thanks to Microsoft and their wisdom, Win 2000 and XP DOS is missing most of the old DOS commands. So the batch file only relay works on Win95 - ME and that is it. I didn't forsee this and shall create a text file to were peeps can still get the config they want. I will post it here.

Be back SOON,


Muadd 11-03-2002 12:43 AM

WHY cant I seem to conjure up the brilliance to enlighten myself on this task, I DLed PSP7 and tried to resize the image but it still shows up the same size or worse what used to be clear in the image now shows up white in game.

Ive read around about transparencies omg what are the steps in doing that, how do I resize it or better, would a psp7 genious please resize this attached picture to make it fit the "WIDTH" of a 1280x1024 resoulution please I am begging you!

And PLEASE make it so the white parts in the picture do not show up in game. I would praise your name forever.

Bah it wont let me upload it


Anyone who has seen abbitoir or Razors UI knows what Im talking about. Its the long target bar that goes above the rest of the mumbo jumbo. Please resize that bar.

Or the :nana: :nana: gets it

I also posted this in the graphics help section.

MiniConnection 11-03-2002 10:53 AM

Nice Work
Hey, I love the UI great work indeed I would say so myself. ( Can't do UIs ) Lol even though I can't do the UIs I have seen alot and I was just wondering how do you actually make it? If you could like e-mail me on it I would love it. [email protected]. Oh yeah I like the monk pic that is neat.

Muadd 11-03-2002 10:56 AM

Got It
Ok I got it, I was trying to change the TGA instead of changing the XML.

7ranc3 11-07-2002 03:20 PM

Looks great!

I only wish that I was smart enough to figure out how to make it run without the batch file (I use XP) and to work in 1280x1024. I don't know %&#^ about XML and don't plan on learning...

Great job though... would love to use this for my necro.


Daggun 11-09-2002 11:24 PM

Here you go peeps. Hope this helps you out. It is a little hard to follow at first, but I have confidence in the readers.



Vorix Fatalfist 11-12-2002 09:47 PM

Can you make a zip for me of just the targetwindow player info window and group window?

Daggun 11-13-2002 09:50 PM

You can just take the ones out of the Razorsv4.zip they have all there alt componants in the same files. So if you take the Player Info window, it will have all the XML needed to run that window in the file. SO you can mix and match how you please. Hope that helps you.

Daggun 11-14-2002 07:39 PM

WINDOWS 2K/XP alt fix
Thanks to ThirdStarr, there is a faster and easier way to get the batch file to work with Windows 2K / XP users.

Just download the choice.com file from


and unzip the file and copy it to you c:\windows\system32 folder and the config will function normally.

Thanks again ThirdStarr for the fix. :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

DarkmaskTRIB 11-17-2002 05:34 AM

Thank you
Woot, I want to thank you for this excellent UI, and I just wanted to let you know how well it works and the excellent option to allow the individual to add his/her own artwork was a brilliant touch, just thought I would drop ya a line, and show ya what I came up with....

Daggun 11-17-2002 02:35 PM

Thank you, and nice touch with the art. I am looking for someone that can do that kinda of custom art for my Iksar Monk Zazzul Hammerfists. If anyone is interested in doing some for me, please drop me an e-mail.

[email protected]


Kaenil Darkwolf 11-17-2002 11:42 PM

Would it be possible to change the gauges, and how would I go about doing that?

Koradin 11-18-2002 05:22 PM

Awesome jog on the UI, one thing thou, can you make it to where the TargetWindow will work in 1280x1024 please :)

bonkers 11-18-2002 07:55 PM

cant open File
i got a prob i cant seem to open the File do i need some kind of program to do so ? answer appreciated
ty for ur time = )

Daggun 11-18-2002 08:00 PM

Answersmake the changes for you
it is a zipped file so use something like Winzip ( http://www.winzip.com ) it is free.

I am unable to make the target 1280x1024 till i upgrade my monitor, sorry :(

and If you show me the Guages your thinking of using, then I might be able to tell you, or make the changes for you.

Hope that helps everyone.

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