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Serrez 07-28-2002 04:12 AM

Mana number not %
I was just wondering if anyone has been able to make it where you can tell how much mana you have? Not the % but teh actual number.. or maybe have both..

Baadan 07-28-2002 04:52 AM

not possible
as far as i know...VI is hard on not allowing players to know their exact mana totals...who knows why

guice 07-28-2002 05:31 AM

Yup, percentages are the only thing that VI's allowing us to see. Why? no clue. Just the facts. :(

Thalmaturgen 07-28-2002 06:46 AM

Actually didn't I see a mod earlier on this site that showed numbers, or am I just dreaming and it was really %'s?

buzweaver 07-28-2002 09:12 AM

Yes, I believe I saw one as well, however if VI coded it where you couldn't, who knows what the number represented.

Nennayan 07-29-2002 05:45 AM

The actual mana numbers are sent to the client, and that's how it calculates your percentage, but they purposefully left out a UI label for your actual mana numbers, so there's no way to display them, other than evil |-|/\x0r programs which shall remain nameless.

A long long time ago, some guys imagined that EQ would be a roleplaying game, where players wouldn't obsess about numbers and game mechanics or worry about being the most uber or how fast they could clear PoF, so they tried to FORCE it by not giving us the numbers for exp, mana, skills, and many other things.

Later, there was all this discussion on having a roleplay server, since only a minority of players actually did roleplay the way VI had originally intended, and they wanted a server where everyone else had to be like them. VI said there was NO WAY TO FORCE PEOPLE TO ROLEPLAY, and that they'd never be able to make a forced RP server.

Much later, they decided to go ahead and try it, so they made Sullon Zek and Firiona Vie. Didn't really work all that well.

So now, there's really no excuse for them not to give us our mana and exp numbers, other than that they won't go back on their word and admit it was pointless to try to force people to RP by not giving them all the info. After all, they did finally give us our skill numbers, so why stop there?

guice 07-29-2002 06:28 AM

That's right, they do send the numbers.

They use to send HP numbers as well, but changed with Velious cause of the new 32k+ hps on the mobs. Just couldn't fit that number into there, so they shrank the packet, and put only %'s in now.

Player HPs you get full, but the UI only allows us to use Percentage. :(

I have yet to see any evidence of the ability to get group member's mana. Not even the %, thus why it currently isn't in game. Who knows, they might add that in soon. Hopefully.

Nennayan 07-29-2002 06:36 AM

I don't want to see other people's mana, I just want to see my own, so I can better evaluate if I'm good for another pull or two, rather than having someone ELSE dictate to me if I'm good for another pull or two, which is exactly what will happen if they make it possible to see your group's mana.

guice 07-29-2002 06:41 AM

I know, I was just saying.

Sadly, VI did not supply an EQType option of the Mana number, thus it's not possiable. :(

buzweaver 07-29-2002 07:47 AM


So true about the obsessiveness that seems to be dominating the game, I think this creped in early though, but certainly is more prevalent now. I debated whether or not I wanted the Numeric Percentages, but since I’m a gadget freak I couldn’t resist.

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