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Alanthaleous 10-20-2003 04:01 AM

Graphic editors
What editor can I download to make my UIs??

Inokis 10-20-2003 05:58 AM

A free one is The GIMP

Cairenn 10-20-2003 08:23 AM

If you mean to edit the actual graphics (tga) files, then yeah, what he said. If you mean a graphical interpertation of the coding (xml) files, then go down to the Developer section of the board, under Info and Tutorials, there are links for both SidlWidl and Sidl Fiddle.

Inokis 10-20-2003 08:53 AM

You mean we're not supposed to visualize the code in our head???? ;)

Cairenn 10-20-2003 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Inokis
You mean we're not supposed to visualize the code in our head???? ;)

Lots of people can and do. I'm not one of them. I can't look at pure (written) code and envision what it will look like, I need to "see" it. SidlWidl and Sidl Fiddle both allow that ability to "see" without having to log in and out of EQ all the time to check stuff.

Inokis 10-20-2003 10:32 AM

Yeah, i know where you're comin from, that was my attempt at a Jibe, cajole, freindly sarcasm etc....

Dolby 10-20-2003 12:52 PM

I can visualize html and php in my head... not xml though. :)

Alanthaleous 10-20-2003 08:17 PM

hmmmm how hard is XML?
lol I can visualize C++ in my head that has to be worth something
but then C++ isnt very hard to understand its just frustrating to write, as any language is I imagine.

So where do I start I got the GIMP but I really dont know the first thing about it. I just really want to make a simple UI thats suits my needs not soem fancy piece that will win awards.

Inokis 10-21-2003 03:04 AM

you only need to redo the graphics if you want to drastically alter the way the ui looks. If you can get away with just changing the default ui a bit and adding elements to diff windows, etc... you can prolly make one you like in just xml format. For example this is the default ui with xml only changes that I use:

Alanthaleous 10-21-2003 08:43 AM

thats a pertty nice UI looks like what I want. you got it posted some where? you know anything about timers as well? I would like to see how long i have been playing at a glance.

Alanthaleous 10-21-2003 08:47 AM

In that pic those slots under your HP and MP metter are those your genreal invo slots or are they right clickity slots?

Inokis 10-21-2003 01:00 PM

They are general inventory and you can right click any items that are activate effect items. There's also the Pri/Sec slots as well.

The link for it is here

As of yet i haven't messed with timers, but I'll look into it.

It's set up for 1280x1024 resolution.

The only discrepancy so far is that I've been told the blue LDON indicator line doesn't show up on the compass. I'm currently trying to figure out that small nuisance as well.

Alanthaleous 10-21-2003 06:44 PM

Ah well you dont need the line if youve done as many adventures as have lol.

Id love to get into making UI as I am more a creator then a player. heh Im always the DM in my D&D group, and my players say my style and depth of my games are intense, maybe I can aplie this to making UIs as well. Thanks Inokis youve been a big help.

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