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birdboydowns 11-25-2002 10:50 AM

I wanna make YOU a UI!!
After I make my own UI (which is almost done), I want to make melees a nice ui that is also very minimalistic, allowing you to use it on raids, super-populated zones, etc.

Not being a melee myself (Im a bard blueberry ;P) I want to know what YOU guys want (and most specifically DONT want) on it.

The more ideas you give me, the better it will work for ya !!!

nugaruk 12-14-2002 05:04 AM

I'd like...
A horizontal buff bar
A Target window that shows my hp too, with a BIG number in a very visible font showing my hp/total

DePimp 12-14-2002 05:21 AM

being a necro i like my UI to fit my char ( evil ). which is kinda hard to do.. with my knowing very little about xml and all makes it harder. i would like to see something pure evil to fit the necro class something that has like

1) spec pet invotory
2) something with possibly bone's
around the chat window's

in other word's just a evil UI but then again that's just me :D

Doro 12-14-2002 06:32 AM

Heya Luz,havent seen you since the days gone by of hunting south karana! Your UI is cool,but takes getting used to the old pre-velious setup.I use you UI at the moment,keep up the good work!

Doro 12-14-2002 06:33 AM

gaaah is too early..I thought I had a skin made by you,could be wrong lol..now where is my caffienne!:D

nammar8069 12-17-2002 05:21 PM

make sure it has that athlee's thing with all the locatino's in it b/c i always get lost hehe

Leaddil Guatama 12-19-2002 09:18 AM

What would be nice for Monks
Player Info, Target Wnd, and Group Wnd all connected into one window. Also, adding Abilities to the bottom of that. Weight would be nice to have on the Player Info screen as well as HP # and % and Gauge, No Mana bar of course, STA Gauge (no %), Exp and AAXP gauge and %. Horizontal Buff Bar I'll get back to ya

Neiloch 12-19-2002 10:17 AM

Well i know the majority of the people who come here use a 1024x768 resolution so you might wanty to keep that in mind.

Buzzyrd 12-19-2002 10:56 AM

What im looking for.
I would like to see this

Target %
Cast bar
Enclosed then the next box dirictly below would have...
F1 Buzzyrd Bayt
hitpoints 100/100 over the bar
Mana % over the bar
Stamna bar

20 %XP 20 %AAXP color yellow would be nice

F2 Player name/w pet 100/100 over the bar of player
F3 Player name/w pet 100/100 over the bar of player
F4 Player name/w pet 100/100 over the bar of player
F5 Player name/w pet 100/100 over the bar of player
F6 Player name/w pet 100/100 over the bar of player

and i dont want to have to squint to see the #'s running1162x864 i think

there is a Player info one i used from here made by Geddine that i really like.

its on page 3 and its called "Playerwindow.zip"

i just wish i could get the others

~ Buzzyrd Bayt ~

kiky 12-24-2002 03:43 PM

Make something similar to my request in this thread, http://www.eqgui.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=5020

If you could make a smaller viewport, with three resizable windows, and a percent figure for experience that's all I'd ask. Just make it pretty, and let your artistic ability soar. Maybe throw in some rogue like pictures. :D

scabx 12-29-2002 01:04 PM

K, being a monker, i'd liek to see my group's hp%, my hp%, my exp% (including AA%), my Sta %, and my target with hp% all in one small box on the right which connects into the chat then have the chat connected with the hot button box, i think the regular buttons (Sit, follow, camp, ect.) should be right under the target/char info/group info and connected to the chat liek inbetween them connecting them. Also a nic esmooth grey metal look like Razor has would be nice.

Fenwulf 01-05-2003 07:03 AM

well as a pure melee, all I can say is... just make it look good! it seems like all the really good looking mods out there are for spellbooks, cast bars or whatnot. Would love to see a pure melee ui with some eye candy :) course it should be simple, afford easy weapon swaping, place for melee spam, let up keep our view on the action, and did I say look good?

Xzoltar 01-05-2003 10:26 AM

For me its easy when I play my warrior or Paladin here the only windows I have :

- Player info window ( hp , mana , sta , xp , aaxp )
- Group window ( all the group + their pet )
- Chat windows
- Buff Windows ( horitzontal at te top )
- Target windows

I remove from my view all others windows and only use shortcut

I dont use equipement, hot button , action or pet windows

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