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Dorvak 03-08-2007 03:13 AM

"Vanishing" % tags (Group Window)
Hello wise ones :) ,

I'm just starting to learn my way around UI modding and have run into a weird snag. In the Group Window, all text and label tags for a particular slot vanish along with the gauge when no group member occupies that slot. I wanted to add function key tags to the gauges (F2, F3, etc.). Since the percent sign (%) was a seperate label item from the actual number, I just copied / renamed that bit of code, changing only the text content (from % to F2) and the X position (so it would show up on the left end of the gauge).

Now the weird thing. The tags show up just fine, but they don't fade away as their counterpart %'s do when no group member is in that slot. I can find nothing in the code that explains this behavior. Is something I'm not seeing covering the %'s when not in use? Any help for a silly newb would be appreciated.

Barzec 03-08-2007 12:11 PM

The % label is coded in the group window to act a certain way (i.e. vanish when not associated to a group member), that is controled via it's name/window ID if I am not mistaken. The New/added F2 lable is not going to work the same way as EQ will not recognize the new name you give it. You might be able to make the % label long enough to span the guage (assuming you have a guage) and add the F2 text to the left side.

normal: [==========] [xxx][%]
new: [F2 [==========] [xxx]%]

[=======] is the gauge
[xxx] is the text/label for the health
[%] is the label for the percent sign

Dorvak 03-08-2007 05:22 PM

Ah, so this part...

<Label item="Player_HPPercLabel">

actually calls a behavioral reference in a different file somewhere? Or is it a bit of hard-coding just built into the UI? Thanks for the help.

Dorvak 03-08-2007 07:17 PM

Just as a side note, your solution worked perfectly. The question in my previous post is more because I'm irrationally curious about how things work rather than needing to fix something.

Barzec 03-08-2007 11:02 PM

Glad it worked... I'd thought of doing it in the past but never went ahead and did it in any mods I've made (opting instead for the F2 labels to remain at all times).

I would say the behavior is hard coded in EQ code somewhere beyond our reach, but I very well could be wrong.

Nothing wrong with being curious ;)

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