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targrak 07-28-2004 12:23 PM

Hardcore Raiding Warrior UI
Heres the deal, i need a new UI, the default aint cutting it for me. Few things about me so u can either make, or suggest a UI for me.

- i raid 7 days a week for at least 6 hours a day
- i need boxes for raid/guild/channels/hits/hitsonme
- i need to see my inventory, i need to be able to switch through 3-6 weapons rapidly during combat and still be able to use my hotkeys easily without missing a taunt
- i have many clickable items
- i need to clearly see my hp, the hp of the mob im fighting with percents on both, i need my resists and my stats visible without me having to go into my inventory, i need my group present and easy to see.
- i need the combat /disc's easily accesble

with all this said, ive been looking around this site. looks like QualtarUI looks good, except theres alot of stuff i wouldnt know wtf to with on there, couple problems, the group members need to be somewhere else, u have to look to hard to find each one, they need to be going down instead of accross eg.


as well as the timer ultities i have NO clue what the significant use for that is...

i have searched around the forums, the only problem i have with downloading UIs in the download section is that u do not get to preview them, if im missing something please post and let me know wtf im doing wrong. Please also recommend UIs for my needs

If you are intereted in making me a purely custom UI for my exact needs with my input i would be will to pay u. Please email me back with some of your work if your interested in doing this and we shall negotiate.

AIM: explicitiscut
MSN: [email protected] (Eminence)
Email: [email protected]

~Emi (Targ)

Targrak Mangocrusher 65th Warlord of Tholuxe Paells
Lantris 65th Forest Stalker of Tholuxe Paells
Santie Clause 65th Tranny of Tholuxe Paells

Mahein 07-28-2004 12:39 PM

I used the Delta 2.3 complete UI for a while, and it provided most of the things you needed.... This Delta 2.3 Screenshot shows most of the features, though the package comes with melee-specific adjustments you can insert, and instructions on how to do so in a Readme file.

The boxes for different chat channels you can create and place where you want just by using the "New Chat Window" option a few times and putting 'em where you want, then setting the Filter for which items you want in which window.... Right-click has all sorts of abilities these days..... The "Tells for Buffs" "Mindless Yappin" and "Officer" windows are just regular chat windows, and can be renamed, moved, resized, or whatever you like.

For triggering Disciplines, You can do them with CTRL+the number of the spot you put the discipline on in the Combat Abilities window.

Stats and resists are all on a bar crossing the top of the main UI area, with your HP bar and your target's right next to each other.

Delta 2.3 also has a 2-page panel of hotspots, one page has the 8 general inventory spots for easy bag access, and spots for primary, secondary hands. The second page has most of the rest of the Equip slots, except Charm and Ammo, I think. These are separate from the standard 1-10 hotkeys where you can plant the usual hotbuttons for macros, general skills like Kick and Taunt, etc.

The group section is aligned in a column as you like, as well.

The one drawback I had with the UI is that it works best at 1280x1024 resolution or higher, and my current machine is a little low for handling that resolution in raids. It ought to give you most of what you're looking for though.

targrak 07-28-2004 12:44 PM

hum, i saw the delta, was catagorized as futuristic, i like Qualtar's because of the solid and organized boxes and stuff at the bottom, the only thing i do not like is the group format and junk... looking for something that blurts out EQ not starwars galaxies (the feeling i get from looking at delta's)

myanta 07-28-2004 12:53 PM

Not sure you'll like mine then, because it is based off of a Delta, but I think it has everything you are looking for.


I am posting up a mod to the containers and added tribute time left so you can turn it off before your 10 minutes is up.

Camar 07-28-2004 01:04 PM

Hmm...not positive if this fits exactly what you're after, but take a look:

Camar UI 2.1

In the alternate windows I have a larger Combat Abilities window that can move in place of the spells window for a pure melee character. Take a look, maybe it's what you're after?

Qualtar 07-28-2004 03:24 PM

Originally Posted by targrak
hum, i saw the delta, was catagorized as futuristic, i like Qualtar's because of the solid and organized boxes and stuff at the bottom, the only thing i do not like is the group format and junk... looking for something that blurts out EQ not starwars galaxies (the feeling i get from looking at delta's)

If you like mine, but dont like a few things about it, change them... thats the nice thing about it, its very flexible. If the player/pet window has you stumped, try my original Player Window Its designed more for tanks, has all the info you are looking for. You will even find a version in my UI forum thread on the same window that has the AC and ATK info on that one as well.

As far as the horizontal group window, you can find one that you can replace mine with... or just get used to it.... You are conditioned to view it vertically, but it is ergonimically better to have it horizontally and right under your hotbuttons (areas your eyes are constantly moving across). The group members are layed out just like the keys on your keyboard.. horizontally... not vertically. Shouldn't take you long to get used to it.

Timer?? Your a warrior and dont use a timer? If you dont need it, then delete it... and replace it with your bigger combat window, since mine only uses the 4 slot combat abilities window... warriors have more buttons.

Just a few suggestions.. but there is lot you can do to make the UI fit your needs.

targrak 07-29-2004 08:47 AM

wtf would i need a timer for =s.. specially one thats very hard to understand, i atm have my window almost exactly set up the way u have the screenshot, except minus 1 of the windows (Other Hits). i like it very much, but as i saw in ur thread about the UI, the pet box has xp on the outside and u have to click to see your stats, is there something that u have that shows both? =s

targrak 07-29-2004 08:50 AM

also, camar, id like to find out how to get that stats bar that u use, i like it alot, and wonder what it would replace if i used it with Qualtar's email me back or post here, thankx


tantokling 07-29-2004 11:18 AM


Perhaps you might like my modification to Vert's UI. Here is a link to it. http://www.eqinterface.com/download...nfo.php?id=3530

If you use the ini i provide you with these chat boxes are set up.

raid/guild/group etc
mob missing you, spells, crits
you hitting mob, mob hitting you
others hitting mob, mob hitting others
nonmelee damage/spells being cast (useful for spell awareness)

and if you want I can teach you how to change (or change them myself for you) the clickies that are in the hotbutton window (both pages of them)

You can contact me on aim at Matt100vi - thats probably your best bet to get a hold of me.

Bonekracka 08-03-2004 07:23 PM

If you're still looking you might want to give Sars melee a try. Stop by and check out the preview, more screen shots coming soon.

Sars Support & Updated Files

I'll be updating the local files ASAP...

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