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Shizar 05-25-2011 11:46 AM

Today's Patch Help
Could someone please tell me what was changed. So I can fix my ui.

I got so used to EQInterface always having the compare files , i've come back to that not being a reality anymore..... :confused:

Tobin Itharel 05-25-2011 01:07 PM

The old default ui does not work due to the EQUI_Animations.xml file being changed - If I had a compare I could update it but you dont seem to do that anymore.

Cudya 05-25-2011 01:37 PM

Changes to EQUI_Animations.xml (NOTE: all line numbers are from the new file, not the old one):

Added (line 924 to 929):

<TextureInfo item="dragitem96.tga">

Added (line 8317 to 8335):

<Ui2DAnimation item="A_RoundedTabRightBottom">

Added (lines 8412 to 8430):

<Ui2DAnimation item="A_RoundedTabLeftBottom">

Added (lines 13225 to 13240):


Changed (just the number 111 to 110 on line 13307; lines 13301 to 13318 shown):

<Ui2DAnimation item="A_TabRightBottom">

Shizar 05-25-2011 02:25 PM

Thank you very much Cudya , I appreciate it. :D

Gozier 05-25-2011 03:37 PM

Newbie Help
I've never done this before, and I'm using NotePad to try and edit the file. Is there a trick to getting to the line number you want?

Cudya 05-25-2011 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by Gozier
I've never done this before, and I'm using NotePad to try and edit the file. Is there a trick to getting to the line number you want?

Yes. Don't use NotePad :).

I use ExamDiff (http://www.prestosoft.com/edp_examdiff.asp) to look at the old and new files and see the differences. ExamDiff gives me the line numbers.

However, I do use NotePad to edit my files, I just use the Find command (pasting in a line from ExamDiff) to find a nearby line to insert the stuff in.

There are many other text editing programs that give you the line number of the file. Most are described as programming text editors. I suggest you search for one or perhaps people who use them could post some of their favorites.

Faendryl-Tunare 05-25-2011 03:52 PM

I use Komodo Edit 6, it's free and works well

Gabob 05-25-2011 04:48 PM

This line chage you talking about can you add or whatever it is to any UI like say Tablet one and it will work again? Would be very nice to learn to do this myself if it isnt as complicated as it looks=)

elie01 05-25-2011 07:23 PM

tried entering it, got all the way to the last part but:

"Changed (just the number 111 to 110 on line 13307; lines 13301 to 13318 shown):"

there was no 111 in line 13307, there was a 1000.. guess i'll have to wait.

edit: do you have to add the pieces in a certain order to get it right?

Darkmatil 05-25-2011 07:33 PM

I just updated my buff/song window UI (Geddine's) to fix the animations file change. Just waiting for the site admins to approve/post the changes.

Hunnyb 05-26-2011 02:18 AM

Originally Posted by elie01
tried entering it, got all the way to the last part but:

"Changed (just the number 111 to 110 on line 13307; lines 13301 to 13318 shown):"

there was no 111 in line 13307, there was a 1000.. guess i'll have to wait.

edit: do you have to add the pieces in a certain order to get it right?

I find its easier to edit from the bottom of the file up. rather than start at the top for one simple reason. as you make your corrections earlier in the file (for example where you have to add something) you just moved everything below it down however many lines you may have added , or brought them up for any lines youve had to delete etc. if you start at the bottom and work upwards you can avoid that. hope that helps.

valaury3169 05-26-2011 08:45 AM

All of the items he has marked as 'added', simply copy those sections and paste them into your animations file at the bottom. The item he marked as 'changed', you do not have to do anything and your UI will still work.

The xml parser doesn't care where it finds those sections, so order is not important. However, if you ever want to use a file compare program to view the differences (I use WinMerge, open source and free), then having everything out of order makes that tough. I put any new custom stuff at the bottom so that the top of the file can compare directly with the file in default.

The changed item does not cause an error, however depending on the customization of your UI, you may get odd looking windows if it uses that animation.

Cudya 05-27-2011 10:20 AM

For the "Changed" just do a search in the file for "<Ui2DAnimation item="A_TabRightBottom">"

Then six lines down, you should find:


Just change that to:


As for the rest, you can search the new default EQUI_Animations.xml file for each piece to add. Then just look at where it is and put the piece in the same spot in your custom one.

For example:

<TextureInfo item="dragitem96.tga">

That goes, obviously (96 goes after 95), after the:

<TextureInfo item="dragitem95.tga">

Sorry that my original post does not contain exact details on where and how everything goes. I just was doing a quick and dirty post of what had changed.

What I do each time a patch changes stuff, is to look at SOE's default files before and after the change and then adjust my custom to match. I don't try to compare my custom with the default, as it is so different these days that it wouldn't compare easily.

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