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Braraa Escrire 12-20-2002 12:31 PM

"Flip" Soes Drakahmix?
I liked the idea of the "top of screen" UI. This would be good especially for the large races that usually have to look down to see their target.

What I am curious about is, would it be possible to take Soes Drakahmix (for 1024x768 resolution) and "flip" it to be on top of screen with the target window being on the downside?

Amost 12-24-2002 06:00 AM

It is in your head, see the visable screen in soes is resized so that virtually none of the UI covers up the viewable area. Note when you zone you see a wide black bar across the top of your screen.

so your avatar is still going to see the same thing no matter what you do.. well you might try using shrink or getting a higher resolution UI and upping your hardware settings for that UI. This will make the visable area bigger and smaller ui elements but still you are going to see the same exact thing no matter how you resize that visable area. Be the size of a Gnome or grow eyes in your kneecaps..

Braraa Escrire 12-24-2002 01:18 PM

Well, upgrading is out of the question at this time... and we don't see a black bar when we zone, and buying shrink potions gets expensive, and growing eyes out of the kneecaps isn't going to happen anytime soon.

So, my orginial question remains the same... Can this UI be "flipped" to the top of the screen instead of the bottom? Are there any problems in regards to the limitations of the UI that would prevent this from being done?

Amost 12-29-2002 03:12 AM

That is alot of modding to be done..

This still won't chage how much screen you see.. You don't seem to understand that no matter how someone places this UI the X and Y axis for the veiwable area remain the same size. Even if you change the size it's just going to resize it. You simply are just going to have to ajust to being a large class and deal with it.

However, Yes it can be done and i'm working on the modifications for this. Senseless as it seems.. :o

[ Check The Results ! ]

I'm done with the mod I think.. check it out.. :)

Braraa Escrire 12-29-2002 09:30 AM

Thank you, this is exactly what I was looking for.

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