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Kandraa 06-14-2004 07:22 AM

Mini UI
Hello all. I have been searching for a small UI for 800xblah blah, or for all resolutions, I have an old computer, and would love to see a UI that is very functional for clerics, but small. I love my spell gems to be on the right side of the screen (i notice most are on the left), would love hotkeys to be horizontal, a simple single thin target ring, the options bar out of the way, a working compass, (i know, I'm asking for a lot), the exp bar visible along with mana and such, i don't care really what the inventory, bank, or bazaar windows are like, but simple is better. Would love some really cool spell gems. A group window that's also horizontal would be cool too.

I don't know if any of this is possible, but since I am not a techy, nor a computer genious, i won't even try to make one myself..
If anyone is able to do this, or link me to one, I would be greatly thankful

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