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-   -   Making a window resizable -- X and Y axis (http://www.eqinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14295)

Thromin 07-08-2004 06:30 PM

Making a window resizable -- X and Y axis
I cannot figure out how to make a PetInfo window I am customizing resize along both the X and Y axis. I know that some windows can be resized in both directions (e.g. the ShortDurationBuffs window) so I'm hoping that I can do the same for my pet window.

When I put the following line into the xml file:


It allows the window to be resized in the X direction but not the Y direction. Any help would be appreciated.

For reference, my entire Screen item for this window is below (when I previewed, I noticed it does not add any whitespace, which is annoying, but unfortunately I do not know how to fix that here. Sorry):

<Screen item = "PetInfoWindow">
<Text>Pet Info</Text>
<!-- <Pieces>PIW_BuffWindow</Pieces> -->


Fyste 07-08-2004 06:33 PM

Pet info window is a weird one...

From the readme with my pet window:

************************************************** *****************************
************************************************** *****************************

This version of my pet window can be resized. There are some caveats to a resizable Pet window though, and you'll have to make a couple changes. First, the pet window itself can NOT be vertically resized. I've tried a myriad of ways and asked many people, but I've never found any way to vertically resize the window, aside from what I'm about to show you.

To work around this problem, what you need to do is edit your character's UI settings BEFORE you enter EQ. In your EverQuest directory you'll find a file called UI_<playername>_<servername>.ini actually you'll find a bunch of them, one for each character you've created on all servers. Look for the one that you want to install this pet window on. For me, it would be called UI_Fyste_erollisi.ini . First thing to do is MAKE A COPY OF THAT FILE BEFORE YOU CHANGE IT. Copy it to another folder, or make a backup in this folder with a different name... but make sure you save it. That way if you make a mistake, just copy you old one back and start over.

**** NOTE **** YOU HAVE TO DO THIS BEFORE YOU ENTER EVERQUEST! Doing this while EQ is in windowed mode then reloading the UI WILL NOT WORK. EQ will just re-write the file with whatever values it thinks are right, and you'll lose all your changes.

Now, open that UI file ( in Notepad or some text editor ) and search for the line:


Under that you'll see a section of values that define the position, size, and color of the Pet window. You may see different sets of values, one for each screensize you've used in EQ. I use 1024 x 768 mostly, so I have settings like:


What you need to do is change the Width and Height for YOUR settings to the right settings for the Pet Window. If you don't do this, you'll be able to resize it horizontally ( left and right ) but not vertically ( up and down ) so you'll be stuck with whatever's in there now. So, look in the PetInfoWindow section for the lines:


It doesn't matter if you have all three sets of them, you may have more or less. It doesn't matter what other lines are between those lines. It also doesn't matter what XXX and YYY are right now. Change the XXX value for ALL entries to 255, and the YYY value for ALL entries to 80. So now the lines will look like this:


Again, you may have more or less sets of settings, and don't touch the other lines. Save that file, and exit.

Now open EQUI_PetInfoWindow.xml in a text editor ( like Notepad or Wordpad ) and search on the string
"CHANGE HERE FOR SIZING" ( remove the quotes ). Below that is a line that look like this:


Change that to look like this:


Save that file, and close it.

Now start up EQ and enter the game, and open your Pet window. You'll see my new pet window. You can now resize it left to right in game. This is cool for Beastlords (long warder names), or people that want maybe one or two more buffs visible. If you want to make a whole extra line of buffs visible, then in the above change use 122 in place of 80. So for me, the values would be:


That will give you enough depth for one extra line of buff icons. ( Don't forget to change ALL entries in your file ).

************************************************** *****************************

Those values are only valid for my pet window, mind you... but you get the general idea. It can be resized, but not vertically... but you can FORCE a vertical size if you edit the INI file.

Good luck... if you find a better way, I'd love to hear it too :)

Thromin 07-08-2004 09:20 PM

Well, it's not the answer I *wanted* to hear, but I very much appreciate the information :)

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