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psychogears 07-26-2002 04:25 PM

Group window mod
Okay here's one: I was thinking of modifying the group window so that you could automatically follow that groupmember by clicking on his/her name in the group window. I was thinking of being able to hotkey the groupmember autofollow buttons but then I realized I don't think I'd be able to do that. But what do you think of that idea? When your cleric is being bashed on, just click and run to the cleric, then target the mob that's nearby and taunt it off... good idea? Wouldn't take up too much more space.

aruvius 07-26-2002 10:44 PM

Good idea, but I'm not 100% positive it would work unless the cleric actually moved. If he's standing still when you /follow, you wouldn't move would you? I've not actually tried it, but seems to me that is how it would work. While you can't do it just by clicking on the name, you probably COULD change the Invite and Disband buttons to an autofollow button...

Lerhos 07-27-2002 01:18 AM

You would, at the least, turn and face them. And if standing still /follow keeps you a certain distance from the person, so if you're further than that, you'd probably walk up a few steps to be within that range. So you wouldn't necisarrily move, but you could.

Alshain 07-27-2002 11:43 AM

Actually there already IS a follow button in that window. Also a decline button. These buttons are hidden behind the Invite and Disband buttons. Change the window size and move the buttons around so they are now visible. Not exactly what you're looking for by clicking on the health bar of a group member but it's close.

Tuatara 07-27-2002 12:51 PM

The follow button you are talking about alshain is the button you click when someone invites you to a group (ie you are following / joining the group). It is not the same autofollow that you can use by typing in /follow. It tricked me for a while till I tested it with a friend online.

Alshain 07-28-2002 11:31 AM

Ahh. Maybe that button ought to be relabeled as Join.

iagen 07-29-2002 03:15 PM

Couldn't you use the same codeing that is embeded in the bazaar--when you right click on a sellers name it turns you toward the seller.. and just toss that into it? Perhaps put it into the targeting buttons somehow.. each time you target someone you turn to face them--be great for peeling i agree.

oakwood 08-13-2002 02:43 PM

maybe not as soon as you target them, but when you right-click the name in the group window, you spin toward the player.

I didnt see any code that seemed to do this in the EQUI_BazaarSearchWnd.xml file.

BUT, i did delete that stupid tooltip that blocks the damn search box in the /bazaar window

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