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Blodgruv 02-23-2006 02:40 PM

New UI changes
Hey guys i don't come here much cuase i'm not one for change but just recently SOE fouled that one up on me by forcing me to use the new ui and the spell gems are really thowing me for a loop. So my request is to use the New UI set up with the old spell gems, and icons so i can atleast remember what i am casting and what has been cased on me in my feeble brain thanks guys appreciate it.

Or give me a run down on how to fix it so i can utilize the old spell icons and spell gems in a simple way. thanks guys.

deerwena 02-23-2006 03:32 PM

spell gems..
this is common problem just go to your eq uifiles folder and open the default_old folder search for spells01.tga through spells07.tga copy them and put them in the folder you want for your ui that's the spells you've been buffed with .. do the same with gemicons01.tga through gemicons03.tga for the buffs you cast. if this is the only thing you want to change make a folder in uifiles called spells (or something you'll remember) put these in it.. when you load eq do /loadskin spells and it'll only replace the items in the spells folder everything else will remain the sony default

Blodgruv 02-24-2006 02:40 PM

Sounds Easy enough
Hey Thanks Deerwena, Appreciate the help with this question. Now let's see if the magic will work with my cpu lol.


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