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kudilukudzu 03-28-2007 08:19 AM

pre-set INI files
so i was just wondering if anyone else has noticed this . . .

if you only have 1 UI setup per resolution, you don't need multiple INI files to set them up for people in your downloads. for example -
my boyfriend uses DeltaX. there isn't an INI for the resolution he runs in (1600x1200), so we had to set it up ourselves (not a huge problem). We started with the 1280x1024 INI file though, hoping that it would place them anyway and we'd just have to adjust. That didn't work, but when he goes to windowed mode, his resolution IS 1280X1024 (yes, smaller than his desktop - so he can see stuff and the entire EQ window). the result is that when he goes to windowed mode, the UI is set up the way that the INI that came with the UI set it, even though we modified the 1600x1200.
I don't know how many resolutions you can stack in an INI - it might only store 2, like for fullscreen and windowed. still, this would cut down on the number of INIs that are needed.

was just curious if anyone else noticed it.

myxiplx 03-28-2007 09:38 AM

I know at least some people know of it since I've seen limits of that file discussed in another thread.

It appears that EQ had (has?) a limit on the maximum size of that file - people couldn't save as many setups as they wanted in the file.


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