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psychogears 07-29-2002 12:55 AM

Request to VI :)
If the devs at VI ever read this, I have a few things I'd like to ask for:

1) Labels for actual Mana, max actual Mana, First name ONLY, and spell being cast.

um... I guess that's it. :P I thought I had at least two things....


PS: Anyone else want to ask for anything? :)

Sodorfo 07-29-2002 01:39 AM

i sent an ingame feedback mentioning that an updated tutorial program that uses the new UI would be a grat UI mod preview tool... hope they consider it

Phrakture 07-29-2002 03:37 AM

Heres a few
Couple suggestions too, Verant

-- Fix your data representation in the schemas (and please use standard schemas, sheesh... check out w3c XSD looks like your using XDR which they threw in the trash in 200 or 2001)
For instance: if the playerwindow is required to be there and required to have certain children, describe that element in the schema - in xsd it would be similar to
<xsd:element name="PlayerWindow">
<xsd:element name="PlayerHealth" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>

technically, if your xml parser is even close to efficient access this way would be faster... telling the parser to find "element PlayerWindow" is much more efficient that saying find "element Screen where item=PlayerWindow" the second layer of abstraction there is really not needed

-- My second point is even better. Please document all things which have in game functionality (i.e. the EQTypes). One great addition to this would be a semi-scripting language which would define these EQTypes.... say in an EQUI_EQTypes.xml file... where everything would look similar to:
<EQType id="999">
"scripting goes here"

Bleh thats about it for now... keep a look out because I'm gonna be posting alot to these boards.

PS: I am currently formulating a design plan to create a "viewer" for the UI (which will possibly be made into an editor later on but thats a whole 'nother ballpark). I'm looking for GOOD C/C++ programmers to coroborate with here... especially those who have delved alot into these files and know the stuff by heart and anyone with knowledge of Targa file format and Targa display on Windows.

Thanks in advance for any posts here 8)


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