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thirden 09-12-2002 04:56 PM

Having some serious problems trying to get my changes to ALL the tga files to change, if i edit them at all seems as though the alpha channel just fails, ive completely recreated the alpha coppied it from the default, saved it and loaded it after i edit and nothing seems to work i still get the the "black" or whole area indicated in the equi_annimations.xml. as if there were no transparent alpha. Am im missing something? if someone can help be greatly appreciated.

Tipop 09-13-2002 04:31 AM

Are you saving the image in 32-bit mode? I had that problem at first myself until I realised that I was saving in 24-bit mode, which only saves the image... the other 8 bits was the alpha channel itself.

thirden 09-13-2002 05:44 PM

That worked, seems like all my problems end up being simple things. thanks for the quick reply

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