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Mictain 10-30-2002 12:39 AM

Thoughts On EQ2
Ok Im sure this has been asked before but I probably missed that post. Ive been thinking a lot about EQ2. I would like to know what you all thought about the release of it and if you are gonna drop EQ and start playing EQ2. I have spent a lot of time in developing and playing my character and personally would not like to start from scratch. I know that there are others who have been playing since EQ was released and have more time spent on their characters. So I know that changing to EQ2 would be harder for them than me. So please post anything you want to say about EQ2.

dawson 10-30-2002 07:04 AM

I personally don't plan on going to EQ2... it's Verants Version of Dark Age of Camelot ....

I just don't like alot of the 'features' it will have and also enjoy playin my many toons now. When EQ1 Dies...that will be the end of my Online Games with Verant .

mazel 10-30-2002 07:24 AM

No way
No way im starting over / once EQ slows down Im done

Zantaklawz 10-30-2002 10:47 AM

I have a little bit please...
I myself am looking forward to it... the graphical upgrade (though EQ original has gone through its phases... Sigh I miss the barb bear helm), the new ideas on story line, and equipment wear. Yes it is a take off of DAoC alright, but I have yet to play that game.... (hmmm thinks of heading to the store)

I like a game that makes twinking difficult if not pricey for weapon upkeep. It also allows people with tradeskills much more valuable instead of those few selected skills. I personally haven't seen anyone shouting "Anyone looking for any good baked goods." Its mostly just armorer or jeweler. I have tried to rend my baking services to others, only to get "What do I need rat kabobs for?" Its not the purpose of actually needing, but actually of 'just having'... hell first off it gives you a Dex and Agl boost of +1 just for food that is easily made. But its also a good RP feel for the game. Sigh, guess most people will never know.

But as I said, my wife and I, both are waiting with anticipation for EQ 2 to rise from the shadowed mists to present itself to the world.

Grelene 10-30-2002 11:23 AM

I'm thinking Eq2 is gonna be pretty sweet. Of course I'm gonna keep EQ going till it comes out, then check eq2 out, and see if I wanna switch.


But the real question is, Does EQ2 Deserve Nanas? :nana: ?

Lanys.Neoconker 10-30-2002 11:36 AM

I personally am not really looking forward to EQ2. Like many people said, it does look like a Verants/Sonys runoff of DAoC. What I am really looking forward to is Final Fantasy XI. I think it will be somewhat like EQ, but at least its a brand new thing and not trying to copy of some other game. My cousins and I are looking very forward to it and if we like it, we will probably switch to FFXI because its always nice to start out and be among the longest playing of a game and be among the best. I started EQ after Velious and before Luclin, around June 2000. I only have low level characters considering the year and a half almost that I have been playing. I just get tired of seeing people that are way better and higher level with insane amounts of money, when I get lucky when I get enough money to buy my SCHW for my monk. I see people buying Cloaks of Flames and other items, and its just sickening. So I want to be the first to start on FFXI, and hopefully be part of the best.

dillomjm 10-30-2002 01:03 PM

I dont know, some of the things that I have heard of for EQ2 sound pretty cool. I dont remember where I read it but someone was saying that banks are NOT going to be linked, therefore to move your gear you'd have to hire someone to haul it.. IE a wagon driver or such (merchant type person). Then you would have to hire mercenaries to defend the wagons, if you wanted the goods to reach your destination. At the time I read this it sounded like Verant was just toying with different ideas, but if this is true, it would make the game a lot more realistic and fun. Same with owning buildings and such. Seriously, it would be aweome to have a house to come home to in-game... Adds a sense of realism. Thats what I think EQ1 lacks, is a sense of realism in some aspects. EQ1 has some very good things going for it.. such as how enormous the world feels for a beginner (just like real life), the whole sense of adventure when your doing quests. (However, I think there could be MAJOR improvments in the quest system... I wish you could be able to almost do all your xp'ing through quests.)

Anyways... I'm going to stop rambling, I'm interested to see what they actually ship the game with in regards to features and realism. With Verant, however, it sometimes seems that they talk up their games so much that they cant deliver on all the features they promise. Hell.. look how long it took for us to get the new UI... originally that was going to be a new feature for the Luclin Expansion.

dawson 10-30-2002 01:49 PM

there were many things verant said were going to be in EQ when it was released. And look how long it took them to deliver.

which makes me wonder how much is going to be immediately available when released.

I want to see a 3D version of Dragonrealms.

Dolby 10-30-2002 02:09 PM

Verant is no more! Its SoE now. Just priror to Planes of Power launch they finaly dropped the name Verant.

It would take a good deal for me to move. I already know so many wonderful people in this game that they would all have to move to EQ2 for me to move as well. Witch I dont think is going to happen.

Riksar 10-30-2002 03:20 PM

Well just so you kow.. FF XI isnt coming to the states.. Thats if you live in the states of course

dawson 10-30-2002 03:30 PM

The only way I would consider playing EQ2... is if they had a character move. Which we know they said they wouldn't do since that will corrupt the 'new world'.

I bet they will have a character transfer service to EQ2 from EQ1 after about a year or so. And probably Charge $200 per account to have all your characters moved Naked and penniless.

I did not know they dropped the verant name. I learned something today... too bad it had to do with EQ...heh

Deadd 10-30-2002 08:25 PM

Well Ive been playing EQ for almost 2 years now, and dont have planes of goin to EQ2. There are still lotsa places I havent been, lotsa stuff i havent seen. :nana: I like the NANACON

Lanys.Neoconker 10-30-2002 09:59 PM

Hey Riksar, are you sure about the FFXI not being in the US? I'm almost positive there's gonna be an American version. At least there should be. Most of us now have Network Adapters for PS2, or we can just use our computers if they come out with both. I don't see why they wouldn't have an American version. Please confirm this and provide evidence if you can.

Zantaklawz 10-30-2002 11:42 PM

Originally posted by Riksar
Well just so you kow.. FF XI isnt coming to the states.. Thats if you live in the states of course

Here's a little update on your info...

Square says some 90,000 people are currently subscribed to the Final Fantasy XI PlayOnline servers, and that at any given hour, some 55,000 are playing. Let's hope for better numbers when it hits North America sometime next Spring.

Square has revealed the minimum system requirement for the PC beta of Final Fantasy XI. While likely close to, or the same as the final requirements, we'll save that until it becomes official. Either way, you're going to need a mighty powerful computer to run this game. It doesn't really come at a surprise.

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
CPU: Intel Pentium III
RAM: 128MB
3D Card: DirectX 8.1/AGP Compatible
Sound: DirectX 8.1 Compatible
Hard Drive: 4.56 GB Free Space
CD-ROM: 4X or Faster
Modem: 56k or Faster

CPU: Intel Pentium IV
RAM: 256MB
3D Card: Nvidia GeForce 3


I have to admit thier monsters are rather 'better' looking... as the ingame screen shot shows.

dillomjm 10-31-2002 12:34 AM

4.56 GB, jeez... brings me fond memories of the days when there were 120mb hard drives and where my Wing Commander 2 game took up 1/4 of my total HD space. lol.

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