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Rebaidah 02-05-2003 03:11 PM

SidlWidl Question
I have been using this to modify existing mods. I am clueless how to make one from scratch. So far I've managed to do a number of things with it, learning a little as I go. One thing I haven't figured out yet is how to ADD items to and existing mod. I found out how to remove items, by going to the "Collections" screen on the base window of the mod. There is a button for ADD and REMOVE items from the mod. But whenever I choose ADD it says I need a visual editor. I take it there is no visual editor in SIDWIDL? So what is it that I need to add pieces to a mod? For example, I have a player window with HP, Mana, Stam guages on it, but I'd like to add a pet and breath gauge. I have tried to take existing mods with 5 or more guages and modify it to what I need, but I'm no expert and so far I haven't gotten it. I had one that was almost perfect and i went in and changed a text color and then all of a sudden it wouldn't work again after, switched to a back up of it I had and it didn't work. Short of restarting the thing, I think it's hosed... heh. But there has just been a number of mods I have fiddled with, and if I only knew how to add a piece... I think I could do alot more and faster than taking existing ones and completely rearranging them.

Kudane 02-05-2003 03:17 PM

might try the forums for Sidlwidl HERE

might have some answers there

lunakin 02-05-2003 03:30 PM

Have you got the expanded toolbox?


The standard build allows you to add labels and buttons by clicking on them in the toolbox area, holding and dragging to the window viewer area. The expanded toolbox will let you do the same thing with gauges, percents and inventory slots. From there, you will be able to adjust the properties as you would normally.

Enjoy :D


Cairenn 02-05-2003 03:31 PM

by going to the "Collections" screen on the base window of the mod. There is a button for ADD and REMOVE items from the mod.


Rebaidah 02-05-2003 03:49 PM

When you choose one of the mods to edit, in properties section is a Pieces option that has "Collection" if you click on "..." it brings up another window, SidlBase Collection Editor.

Cairenn 02-05-2003 04:14 PM

funky! learn something new every day. *grin*

Rebaidah 02-05-2003 04:34 PM

hehe, I just d/l that tool box thing and WOOT I added something to a mod! heh. For some strange reason tho, the first time I ran the program the new toolbox wasn't anywhere to be found. It crashed a few minutes later while I was doing something and when I ran it again... Surprise there it was! Something new to play with. =) thanks!

Jzara Azurewrat 02-16-2003 12:51 PM

There is no link for the toolbox :(

lunakin 02-16-2003 03:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I think this is the correct .zip with the extra toolbox stuff...


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