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Pini Uldar 08-04-2002 06:11 PM

Chat Window enhancements
I wish the input box were invisible and popped up when input started like in the old interface. This visual cue REALLY helped when knowing when you were in chat input mode and when you weren't. For people who move their movement keys to letters and accidentally get caught in chat input mode, know whether they are gonna turn left or type a is important.

This would also make Always Chat Here cause non-chat input windows to not have the space of the input bar taken up. This is also a nice thing.

The other chat window enhancement that needs to happen is the old auto-indenting on wrapped lines. Without this people can fake messages using the appropriate number of space. It also hurts readability on the chat window.

- Pini

Geddine 08-04-2002 06:33 PM

The auto-indenting I don't think would be a major problem anymore because everyone would have a different width chat window and different size font, so to try and cause a fake message you'd need to know the exact width and font of the people your trying to fake out.

Pini Uldar 08-04-2002 06:38 PM

That's just luck though. Like security through obfuscation. It only takes getting it right once and fooling one person big time to cause something bad to happen.

- Pini

Pini Uldar 08-04-2002 06:44 PM

Another chat window enhancement would be chat decay. You could set a decay on the window (in seconds) and that many seconds after the last message is show, the window chat messages start decaying pretty much in the same way old hitsmode did.

This would allow two things:
1) It would allow duplication of the old hitsmode
2) it would allow longer timed decays for use in other windows where chat output is important but doesn't happen often

An example of 2. I could filter my guild messages and a chat channel that all my friend join into one window. I care about what's going on in that window. But after 15 minutes, the last message in there is really old. It would be nice to decay it after 15 minutes so the window blanks itself out and doesn't hold really old stuff in it.

This could all be accessible either through a right click on the title bar and a GUI or through /chatdecay # where the number is the decay in seconds and effects the window you type it in (like /chatfontsize does).

- Pini

Wolfran 08-04-2002 07:41 PM

A one character indent would be really nice. Was rather surprised that that wasn't in there. Annoying to have to find the "Soandso tells the guild, " at the beginning of each new line of chat. Was much easier with the old indenting.

I'd also like to see a text decay, or auto rollup option in the chat window menus. Sitting in the bazaar looking up at my combat spam box and seeing that a sebilite golem hit me for 142 an hour ago just isn't necessary :)

UniDyne 08-05-2002 03:09 PM

ChatPane Widget or EQType
An EQType or widget needs to be defined for the TextBox used to display the chat text. As it is right now, the ChatWindow is what is used to control the contents of the text box (filtering, etc).

If these functions were handled by the TextBox itself, either by using an EQType or by defining a new widget like ChatPane, a user could conceivably place two ChatPanes in one chat window and edit their filters separately - make one for catching hits and spells and the other a chat-only pane. Because it is one window, it could have a single TextEntry field.

arantius 08-06-2002 03:25 PM

Yes. I like it. I do not like wasting space with input bars over each chat window that is open.

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