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Perkoset_BB 02-25-2003 03:29 AM

I'm really begining to get wonder what the hell the point is in custom gius if every single time they patch they break them.

Cairenn, does a great job of posting the changes but when I go to update I either don't have half the stuff she says to fix in the giu or when I do find it and put the new info in I break the GUI big time. Not blaming Cairenn in the least, so don't get defensive. ;)
Now I'm no GUi guru and I'm not ruling out that I may be doing something wrong EVERY SINGLE TIME but this is getting retarded.
I appreciate the new features.
I am happy they let us make the Custom GIUs.
But I'm getting so sick and tired of this.
Sorry for ranting but sheesh....


Jahari Durden 02-25-2003 06:00 AM

Hmm.. They either never put in new features, or they "break" the current UI's occasionally.

If you have problems updating your UI, use one from someone who updates regulary. Soes managed to get the update out before everyone well and truly realised that the servers were back up, for example. :)

Dolby 02-25-2003 11:08 AM

I was really surprised the one I used never broke... just didnt have the charm slot.

I used Kaori 4.1

Lanys.Neoconker 02-25-2003 11:37 AM

Kaori is a good mod. I was using that for a while then went back to Drakah. May wanna check Drakah's UI too. He keeps his updated, and he had the patches out a week before. He works hard to keep the UI's updated. Check it out! I apprecite his work and it moved me to help others with the UI problems. Carrienn and Drakah are my heroes/heroines :)

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