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kopiwar 03-06-2003 06:18 PM

New Server?
Anyone plan on playing a good amount on the new server?

syreen01 03-06-2003 09:38 PM

The only good thing about having a new server would be less lagg. I myself will remain with my friends of the Damned and our allies. Why start all over with a new character on a different server?


Syreen's Damned Home

kopiwar 03-06-2003 09:58 PM

true, but everyone starts out new and maybe it would be fun, i dunno, sounded cool to me, but like you will not be giving up my good 'ol Povar buds :)

Mathezar 03-07-2003 11:30 AM

Whats gonna be so cool about this new server? Isn't it just gonna be like every other one, except newer (minus PVP, FV, and the premium server).

Zantaklawz 03-08-2003 04:26 AM

Or it could be something like this...

New server...


kopiwar 03-08-2003 01:39 PM

haha good tiimmess

syreen01 03-08-2003 02:59 PM

ROFL!!! That in itself is priceless. :D


Syreen's Damned Home

kopiwar 03-09-2003 08:33 AM

again syr, love the web site :) hehe :nana:

syreen01 03-09-2003 10:42 AM


Thank you.


Syreen's Damned Home

Zantaklawz 03-10-2003 02:07 PM

What occurred to me on March 8th...
Here's a posting that I placed at another site that explained what happened to me on March 8th on the new server...

Originally posted at EQ Roleplayers on March 8th

Oy! I played on the new server tonight... Bleh!

The server was completely packed... Im talking about crammed packed. And yes the landscape was dotted with the uber high levelers bounding about... (sorry but I wouldnt pay 75+ dollars to move there... nuh uh!)

I started out with something simple to just observe the game zones and here is what I got...

Qeynos had about 40 people in it by the time I zoned... (I haven't seen this much popularity in this city since a GM event occurred there a few years ago).

Neriak had 52 people in it when I checked last.

In town of Neriak: 72 people!

PoK had 140 people...

The Bazaar... Lets just say that the grand central station is less busy in midday.

South Qeynos: 29 people

Qhills: 55 people

Everfrost: 98 people!

WK: 39 people (has this place ever had more than 10 people in it at anytime since the plague?

NK: A whopping 63 people! Why I have no clue.

SK: 42 people

EK: 38 people

Blackburrows: 52 people! Unbelievable!

Surefall Glade: 30 people

I got a high level SoW from a someone and decided to do some running real quick. Mind you these are just doing a / check in the zone as I enter and before I leave.... I didn't stay there and check each minute for an hour and average it. Didn't have that much time. Plus I just wanted to see what people were running about. And most were newbies in the newbie towns zones, and mid to high levels in areas normally occuppied by mids and up.

My thought.. it was a Sat night, new server and I expected it to be packed... So I don't see myself playing on this server anytime soon. Oh yeah not to mention a whole bunch of inane OOC's and /shouts up the wahzoo big time. Definately not an RP server... and man were the guildies out tonight recruiting everything that moved. I was invited to a guild 4 times without me asking to join. Just thougth I would warn ya...


syreen01 03-10-2003 09:12 PM

Figured as much. Maybe some of the people from my Server will go there, and I can finally hunt in Rathe Mountains in peace. :)

Kind of tired of fighting to get a pull. They need to make another high money yeild zone for people like me who like to shop :D


Syreen's Damned Home

Zantaklawz 03-10-2003 11:50 PM

syreen01 stood up and said

Kind of tired of fighting to get a pull. They need to make another high money yeild zone for people like me who like to shop :D

Hehe! Yeah... I myself enjoy a little shopping too. Nothing like finding something for a good deal, or getting a weapon that looks downright awesome that normally takes weeks to get. Because someone *just* happen upon the spawn that you've been waiting for for weeks now and they kill it because it just spawned where they happen to be standing at the time... grrrrr.

Shopping rules! Lately thats been half the fun... Uh oh.. not a good sign.


syreen01 03-11-2003 01:10 AM

ROFL!!! I only play the game so I can shop for my characters. I love to make them look good ;)

I get a lot of flak about it though.

"Women and their shopping :p"


Syreen's Damned Home

kopiwar 03-11-2003 03:15 PM

lol.. eq aint for shoppin' :) hehe

Zantaklawz 03-11-2003 03:53 PM

Originally posted by kopiwar
lol.. eq aint for shoppin' :) hehe

Well as of late its been...

Log on, find something to kill, camp, kill, loot, kill, loot, kill, loot, sell, find something to kill, camp (repeat ad nauseum), then when bored of all that... sit, log off.

But with shopping its..

Log on, find something to kill, camp, kill, loot, kill, loot, kill, loot, sell, find something to kill, camp (repeat ad nauseum), book to bazaar, shop, get new gear, do fashion show to friends, admire new gear, find something to kill, camp, kill, loot, kill, loot, kill, loot, sell, find something to kill, camp (repeat ad nauseum), then when bored of all that... sit, log off.

See shopping is the fun part of it now... theres gotta be more to the game than just killing...


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