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Old 10-17-2008, 06:27 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Haliken
Many things listed in the 10/06/08 list are opinion or feature requests and not bugs.

They are when they do not conform to the normality of the way the interfaces behave whether in-game usage or code base.

Originally Posted by Haliken
(Gauges stretching...)

Yes this change broke many UI designs (mine personally relied on TONS of gauges and assumed they wouldn't be stretched), but accounting for the change isn't particularly difficult.

This isn't a bug. You're just making a request.

Again, if it was to be stretched, it would be autostretch=true. Gauges coded to be false, should stay false. It is not a request, its a fact.

Originally Posted by Haliken
While yes, the target buffs should auto-sort right to left like the other buff lists, you CAN manually place buff icons by setting their <AutoStretch> property to true and giving them the <Anchor*> values needed to place them where you want.

The pet window is the same structure as the target window in relation to buff icons. You are able to copy the Pieces of the Pet window buff icon tags to the screenitem and giving them a static location to place the buffs where you want. However, the targetwindow for some reason ignores the placement regardless. The conformity is not identical.

Originally Posted by Haliken
Your last sentence there runs directly contrary to the introduction of the new TopLevelWindow system which lets us add our own custom windows, ability to add buttons that open these new custom windows, and many new objects being put on a new EQType system so they can be moved around (mainly voice chat related).

I have not fully examined the functionality of that file since it only states it affects the attributes listed to the window when activated.

Originally Posted by Haliken
(The EQTYPE: 120...)This is standard functionality and not a bug. No custom labels for a gauge percent disappear when zero. Only labels with a specific <ScreenID> in their standard parent window will disappear when their value reaches zero. You're asking for one label EQType to behave differently than the others.

Asking for all labels to disappear when zero would take away customization, as currently we can pick whether they disappear at zero or not by giving them the correct <ScreenID>. In addition, these specific <ScreenID> can make objects other than labels disappear when the value is zero.

EQType 120 is a Percent, not a name, or a item in your bag.
When you target someone, and the targetoftarget is active, and they do not have anyone targeted, the EQType 120 shows as 0% all the time until they target something. If you look at the leadership window targetoftarget, it does not do that. It should act the same way and does not.

Originally Posted by Haliken
I know it's harsh criticism of the list, but I believe a bug report should be a report of bugs, not a feature wish-list.

Well you certainly were able to raise my blood-pressure on your wording of your responses, but thank you none-the-less. I will re-arrange my wording from bugs to requests and hope that suits you more.

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