Thread: Can it be made?
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Old 08-18-2009, 03:51 PM   #3
Enhanced Imperial Golem
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Originally Posted by NecroDriel
After playing WoW for awhile and then coming back to EQ I was wondering if I could adapt some of the things from the WoW interface to EQ.

Is there a way to show a cooldown counter on a skill.

Say I use Cannibilization AA, which has a 3 min cooldown, the button goes yellow and then comes back white when it is ready for use again. Can there be a timer put on the button to how how many seconds are left in the coundown to be used agian?

This goes for alot of skills like taunt, kick, disciplines.

They added this functionality to a certain degree to clickable items, but they have not yet done so for skills. Would be nice though

Id also like to know if you cant further customize the chat interface. Turning parts of something off. I want to see my spell dmg and id also like to see the mobs spell dmg, but I dont want to see the groups. But if I turn Off others under spells it cuts both npc and group members dmg out and I only want the group members off.

Another thing would be floating combat text. Would show your combat damage over your characters head in combat as well as in the combat window.

Spell timers, If i cast a HoT on the tank or a Slow on the mob id like to know exactly when its going to wear off so i can reapply it before hand. We already know how long it is supposed to last and with AA and focus effects im sure there is a way to code it to take those into consideration, I would just like to see a set of bars or something for visualization because sometimes in combat chat is going quite fast and I miss the "Soandso spell has wore off."

Gorric - Warrior
Nameless Server

None of the rest of this can be done as far as I am aware. As Smiley suggested, the audio triggers are the best we have for an alert system.

Oink! Reborn
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