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Old 10-28-2020, 04:31 PM   #20
Lord Doljonijiarnimorinar
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here is a write up Chronewas did that she learned from the same person i did. See if this clears it up any better for you
Ok, Folks here is what I have been albe to decipher from the talks that Enok and I had to originally get this to work. This is going to be a long post so get some coffee or Coke and have a seat. Also not sure if this will all fit in a single post either so I may have to have multiple posts to get this all in. First let me say the gauge that this is being used for this is of the following size in the UI itself: <CX>123</CX> <CY>50</CY> That being said I will attempt to explain each part as I go along with the code to review for reference. The first thing you will need to do is re-calculate your gauge size for the X part (horizontally). In this case, and this is my suggestion so as to make the math easier on yourselves, I used a multiplier of 100 so the size now becomes: <CX>12300</CX> <CY>50</CY> The reason for this is so that later when we actually place the gauge in the UI it will more or less adjust with in the actually gauge size to make that color appear when we want it to. The gause will actually be made up of three parts for the three colors I used. Red, Green and Yellow >>>>>> The following are the three gauge parts. I will explain each part as I go. <Ui2DAnimation item = "SAL_LGaugeBackground_Enok_x100"> <Cycle>true</Cycle> <Frames> <Texture>window_pieces051.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>12300</CX> <CY>50</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> <Duration>1000</Duration> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> This is the section that defines the primary/Full Health color section of the Gauge. As you can see the gauge size is 100x larger than the gauge will actually be. >>>>>> Here is the second gauge section for the yellow/warning section of the gauge. <Ui2DAnimation item = "SAL_LGaugeFill_Enok3"> <Cycle>true</Cycle> <Frames> <Texture>window_pieces051.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>-6150</X> <Y>58</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>12300</CX> <CY>50</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> <Duration>1000</Duration> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> This section defines the point at which the gauge changes to Yellow/warning color. As you can see the offset has been adjusted to -6150. The reason for this is so as to deal with the percentage I wanted to be at when the gauge changed color, in this case at 50% the gauge will change from Green to Yellow. You get this value by finding 50% of 12300 which is the Horizontal length of the Gauge. Then you offset to the negative so that it shows up as the gauge empties. >>>>>> Here is the Thrid section for the Gauge for the Red/Critical part of the Gauge. <Ui2DAnimation item = "SAL_LGaugeFill_Enok1"> <Cycle>true</Cycle> <Frames> <Texture>window_pieces051.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>-4059</X> <Y>58</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>12300</CX> <CY>50</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> <Duration>1000</Duration> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> This section defines the point at which the gauge changes to Red/Critical color. As you can see the offset has been adjusted to -4059. The reason for this is so as to deal with the percentage I wanted to be at when the gauge changed color, in this case at 33% the gauge will change from Yellow to Red. You get this value by finding 33% of 12300 which is the Horizontal length of the Gauge. Then you offset to the negative so that it shows up as the gauge empties. Ok that takes care of the Gauge Fill definition information. The next section I will explain presenting this info on the UI so that it works correctly. I hope this has made at least some sense so far. If not it may make a little more sense when you add the next section to the mix. Ok folks, Here is where things may get a little confusing. In order to actually make your gauge there are 5 total parts that have to be placed on the UI. One for the Background/Least Health gauge in this Case the Red for almost dead and two for each of the other colors that I used in this case Yellow for lower than half health and Green for full health. Now just to preface this I am not entirely sure nor was I able to get the full valid reason from Enok on why the partial gauge fills needed two sections each but I have my guesses as I will try to explain them as we go along. Also as I stated before I am not entirely sure why this works or how but I am mearly giving my interpretation from my talks with Enok on the whole subject since there does not seem to be anyone else out there right now. But I do know that I have been able to replicate the process for all the UI's I have worked on regardless of the size or shape of the Gauge in question. So I know my understanding does work. Also, as I go along in this installment notice in the code the references for which piece of the Definition codes from the last installment are being called for, for each section of the gauge. First we have the background color of the Least Health Gauge part. This is the only part of the Gauge that is actually made like your original gauge. In fact in this case this is the Gauge as it was before Enok and I started work on getting it to change color. So as most of you already have the gauge for the full health the way you want it that will be this part. The only difference between this gauge part and your original gauge is that this is that last part of the gauge you want the user to see. So in my case since the last part before death on my gauge is red, this gauge part will be red. <Gauge item = "Target_PlayerHP"> <ScreenID>TargetHP</ScreenID> <Font>3</Font> <TextColor> <R>240</R> <G>240</G> <B>240</B> </TextColor> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>104</X> <Y>30</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>123</CX> <CY>50</CY> </Size> <GaugeOffsetY>0</GaugeOffsetY> <TextOffsetX>-300</TextOffsetX> <Style_VScroll>false</Style_VScroll> <Style_HScroll>false</Style_HScroll> <Style_Transparent>false</Style_Transparent> <TooltipReference/> <FillTint> <R>240</R> <G>0</G> <B>0</B> </FillTint> <DrawLinesFill>false</DrawLinesFill> <EQType>1</EQType> <GaugeDrawTemplate> <Background>A_GaugeBackground</Background> <Fill>A_GaugeFill</Fill> </GaugeDrawTemplate> </Gauge> As you can see in this code the Gauge size is the original size of 123 x 50 and the color has been set to Red. But because of the rest of the gauge parts this part of the gauge is not actually seen until the health gets to 33% or less. Prior to that one of the other sections of the Gauge is visible. Also notice that the GaugeOffset is set to 0 in this section of the gauge. This will be important later on. Other than the color of this gauge there is no difference (or at least there shouldn't be any difference) from your original Gauge. Notice the Background and Fill tags are the original gauge tags. I had gotten rid of the End caps and lines so that in my case it was just the bacground and fill parts. You may or may not be using those other parts of the gauges but I did not. If you are though you will have already taken that in to account with your offsets for example: if you used the end caps then your code should already be accounting for the fact that the end caps take up a certain amount of space in the gauge. So as to make this easier to explain I have removed those parts of the gauge so as not to confuse anyone even more than this may already be doing. What this all means is that if you did not have the follow two sets of gauge parts the gauge would be red all the time. >>>>>> Here is the code for the Yellow section of the Gauge. Now for some reason as I stated earlier there are actually two parts to this gauge piece. My guess is that one is for the gauge start percentage and the other is for the point at which the gauge stops. What I do know is that both parts are needed for this to work right. <Gauge item = "Target_PlayerHP_Enok1"> <Font>3</Font> <TextColor> <R>240</R> <G>240</G> <B>240</B> </TextColor> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>104</X> <Y>30</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>40</CX> <CY>50</CY> </Size> <GaugeOffsetX>-4059</GaugeOffsetX> <GaugeOffsetY>0</GaugeOffsetY> <Style_VScroll>false</Style_VScroll> <Style_HScroll>false</Style_HScroll> <Style_Transparent>false</Style_Transparent> <TooltipReference/> <FillTint> <R>240</R> <G>240</G> <B>0</B> </FillTint> <DrawLinesFill>false</DrawLinesFill> <EQType>1</EQType> <GaugeDrawTemplate> <Background>SAL_LGaugeBackground_Enok_x100</Background> <Fill>SAL_LGaugeFill_Enok1</Fill> </GaugeDrawTemplate> </Gauge> <Gauge item = "Target_PlayerHP_Enok2"> <Font>3</Font> <TextColor> <R>240</R> <G>240</G> <B>240</B> </TextColor> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>144</X> <Y>30</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>83</CX> <CY>50</CY> </Size> <GaugeOffsetX>-40</GaugeOffsetX> <GaugeOffsetY>0</GaugeOffsetY> <Style_VScroll>false</Style_VScroll> <Style_HScroll>false</Style_HScroll> <Style_Transparent>false</Style_Transparent> <TooltipReference/> <FillTint> <R>240</R> <G>240</G> <B>0</B> </FillTint> <DrawLinesFill>false</DrawLinesFill> <EQType>1</EQType> <GaugeDrawTemplate> <Background>A_GaugeBackground</Background> <Fill>A_GaugeFill</Fill> </GaugeDrawTemplate> </Gauge> I have highlighted the sections to take note of. Notice in the First part of the Code Piece the size of the Gauge part. In this case the Gauge piece is 40 in size which is 33% of the total gauge size. This is also the point at which the gauge changes from Red to yellow, which I will explain shortly. Also in the first part the GaugeOffsetX is the -4059 from the definition section explained in the last installment. Notice in the second part of this code that the Location the gauge is to start at is now 144. This is over 40 from what the original part was and what the first part of this section of code was which was 104. This is to account for the Start of the Yellow part of the Code which is 33%. The size in the second part of this section of Code is 83 which is the rest of the fill pattern. You will notice that all of the code sections contain in some fashion the whole gauge. But since the only part of the gauge that is visible at the time is the correct color it does not matter. But the parts must add up to the whole. Now for theGaugeOffsetx for the second part of this section. The GaugeOffsetX is -40 which is the 33% mark. What all this means so far is that if you did not have the next set of code pairs the gauge would start out yellow at full health and once the health got to 33% the gauge will change to Red. But because of the offsets and the placements of the pieces it works. Also of note is that this last part of the code uses the same regular Background and fill parts that the original part used, the same as the Red piece did. >>>>>> This Next installment will explain the Green section of the Gauge. Here is teh third installment of the explaination of how this works. At least as best I can explain it anyway. Iam sure there are others out there that can do a far better job than I and perhaps after reading this will be able to. >>>>>> Here is the final set of Pieces. This is the set of pieces that shows the Green section of the Gauge. Again I have highlighted the parts to take note of. <Gauge item = "Target_PlayerHP_Enok3"> <Font>3</Font> <TextColor> <R>240</R> <G>240</G> <B>240</B> </TextColor> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>104</X> <Y>30</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>62</CX> <CY>50</CY> </Size> <GaugeOffsetX>-6150</GaugeOffsetX> <GaugeOffsetY>0</GaugeOffsetY> <Style_VScroll>false</Style_VScroll> <Style_HScroll>false</Style_HScroll> <Style_Transparent>false</Style_Transparent> <TooltipReference/> <FillTint> <R>0</R> <G>240</G> <B>0</B> </FillTint> <DrawLinesFill>false</DrawLinesFill> <EQType>1</EQType> <GaugeDrawTemplate> <Background>SAL_LGaugeBackground_Enok_x100</Background> <Fill>SAL_LGaugeFill_Enok3</Fill> </GaugeDrawTemplate> </Gauge> <Gauge item = "Target_PlayerHP_Enok4"> <Font>3</Font> <TextColor> <R>240</R> <G>240</G> <B>240</B> </TextColor> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>166</X> <Y>30</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>61</CX> <CY>50</CY> </Size> <GaugeOffsetX>-62</GaugeOffsetX> <GaugeOffsetY>0</GaugeOffsetY> <Style_VScroll>false</Style_VScroll> <Style_HScroll>false</Style_HScroll> <Style_Transparent>false</Style_Transparent> <TooltipReference/> <FillTint> <R>0</R> <G>240</G> <B>0</B> </FillTint> <DrawLinesFill>false</DrawLinesFill> <EQType>1</EQType> <GaugeDrawTemplate> <Background>SAL_LGaugeBackground</Background> <Fill>SAL_LGaugeFill</Fill> </GaugeDrawTemplate> </Gauge> Since this is the top level section it is the green section for when your health is 50% or higher. Notice in the first part of this section of code that the Gauge location is back to the 104 which is where it should be. Also the Size of this first part is 62 which is the 50% point for the gauge. Again that will be more significant in the second section of this part of the code. Also of note if the GaugeOffsetX of -6150 which is the value from before for the 50% mark of the 100X version of the gauge. Notice in the second section of this code that the location is now 166 which is the original 104 plus 62 for the Gauge offset for the 50% mark. this is because the Green runs from 50% to 100%. Also the size of this part of this section is 61 which is the size of the green bar from 50% to the end at 123. What all this means now that all three parts of the Full gauge have been define is that the Red gauge is the full par but is only seen from 33% down. The Yellow is the length from 33% to full but is only seen until 50% is hit and the Green is the length from 50% to 100%. So as the health goes down each of the different section will come into play as the section above them is no loger visible. The last part of the entire process is the order in which the Pieces are placed in the Screen Item section of the code (which is the last section of the XML file where you list all the pieces in the order you want them placed. For this gauge to work correctly you have to make sure you place the pieces in the right order. In this case since the Red is the last part seen and therefore the bottom piece it goes first and then the yellow and finally the Green on top. The followin gis the listing from the Screen Item section of this window XML file in the correct order. <Pieces>Target_PlayerHP</Pieces> <Pieces>Target_PlayerHP_Enok1</Pieces> <Pieces>Target_PlayerHP_Enok2</Pieces> <Pieces>Target_PlayerHP_Enok3</Pieces> <Pieces>Target_PlayerHP_Enok4</Pieces> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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