Thread: Quartz skin set
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Old 07-30-2002, 10:34 AM   #9
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Jul 2002
Server: Vallon Zek
Posts: 8
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One mod that impressed me was "Quartz". All the stuff fit nicely across the bottom of the screen, so that you could then use "viewport" and have the stuff in the bottom on all the time if you like it like that.

I installed it following the directions and ended up with everything displaying properly, once I changed my resolution size and completely reinstalled it (I had to play around with it some to get it to work right).

The problem I have with the mod is that the inventory screen doesn't display correctly. When I type "I" I get an inventory screen that says that I'm level 60 (twice), that I am a big fan of Mithaniel Marr (I'm a shadowknight of Rallos Zek, thanks), all my stats and resists set to 255. I'd much rather use an old-style inventory screen. I don't know why the inventory screen was messed up on the Quartz setup.

I then tried modifying the inventory screen by copying over one from a different mod. That didn't seem to work quite right either.

When I've tried loading mods from two different programmers, and both of them have a "hitpoints" dispaly, one of the hitpoints displays invariably won't work right.

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