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Old 10-08-2002, 10:20 AM   #1
A Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 2
Question PvP Paladin UI~~

Hey there, a friend of mine (also a Paladin, on the Tallon Zek server.) directed me here thinking that maybe I could find a neat (and efficient) UI for the 2 of us.

Now, I'm not the most computer literate person on the planet (*cough*newb*cough*), and a LOT of the stuff I've seen here blows my mind, really excellent, but I really don't want to go mixing and matching stuff with my limited knowledge of..well..anything to do with this medium.

My question is this: Where can I find a UI mod that has the following features,

Basics: Compass, chat window, spell gems, HP/Mana bar (percentages would be nice) *Target window*, Hotbuttons, spellbook, cast bar, inventory, buff window etc.

and the frills! "Clickie box" (saw one in another UI, GREAT idea) Resist monitoring bar, Some kind of timer for a class ability? (LoH timer, /disc timer)
some kind of /loc know, stuff that could make life a little easier and free up some space on my 7 full hotkey menus.

If any of you Pro's have any suggestions, or know of a Fully compiled mod that you'd wanna post here...that would be *amazing*! Thanks in advance!

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