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Old 10-16-2002, 10:15 PM   #13
A Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 2
Default Possible fix

I had the same problems that everyone else had with 2.2 CrystalMethod, not being able to load the skin. Even after using the patches here, it didn't work. So I figured that the problem was the Alarm window and the Loadskin window. I started looking through the files that were downloaded by EQ's patcher, and noticed the following lines in equi.xml:


By deleting these two lines from equi.xml, I'm able to load up the skin with zero problems. Basically, just copy the updated XML files from the default skin folder to your custom folder (just the ones that were updated by the patcher). Open up equi.xml in Notepad or any text editor and look for the above two lines. Delete them, resave equi.xml, and load up EQ. Use the old format for loading skins (/loadskin foldername), and it *should* work fine. It's not a perfect fix, but it works.
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