Thread: KaoUI v3.0
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Old 10-24-2002, 08:55 PM   #132
Credendo Vides
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As always, posted shrunk to 800x600, click image for 1024x768 view.

Since there seem to have been so many problems with my mod ...

IF you are using my smaller mods of this UI:

1) Make a new subfolder within your custom folder, named anything you want.
2) Move ALL .xml files in your custom folder into it.
3) Download the attached zip file and extract into your custom folder.
4) Any other custom files (example a timer mod, map mod, etc) you had and want included, move back out of the subfolder you created in step 1 back into the custom folder.

There are two additional subfolders:

One is the ActionWindows folder. In it, you will find the EQUI_ActionWindow_CLASS.xml files for each class. Pick yours, rename it EQUI_ActionWindow.xml (take off the _CLASS part). Copy it into your custom directory.

The other additonal subfolder has two optional files in it. One is a Small Compass that is *just* the compass, without the long bar that has all the stats and whatnot on it. The second is a smaller Player & Group combo Window that does NOT include the stamina/casting, exp and aaexp bars.

This download does NOT include any .tga files other than those which are absolutely necessary for this to work. No spellbook, spellcastingbar or buff icons. No backgrounds. No custom spell book. It does, however, include a T.King Inventory, as that is required for the inventory tabs I have on the two tabbed windows (any T.King inventory can be subsituted for the one I've included).
Attached Files
File Type: zip (747.1 KB, 428 views)
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