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Old 07-31-2002, 04:43 PM   #2
Pini Uldar
A Shissar Disciple
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 135

I actually think there's some hard coding involved on their part. For example, it's hard coded that screens like PlayerWindow are visible at start and the keyboard function alt-p is coded to toggle visible invisible.

With new windows, this hard coding doesn't exist so it's never made visible. And you don't have a way to add a keyboard function to cause it to be visible that I know of.

When I wanted to add a new window, I just usurped the FriendsWindows. This window is hardcoded to alt-F but I can remap it with the Options->Keyboard mappings. So when I split my inventory into player info and inventory, I put the player info into the FriendsWindow (EQUI_FriendsWindow) and then mapped Toggle Friends Window in the Options->Keyboard to be P. Now I hit P and my player info window opens.

I believe at this point the only way to get "new" windows is to usurp existing windows and remap their hard coded keyboard mappings to make them useful.

- Pini
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