Thread: Thoughts On EQ2
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Old 10-30-2002, 01:03 PM   #7
A Hill Giant
Join Date: Aug 2002
Server: Sullon Zek
Posts: 37

I dont know, some of the things that I have heard of for EQ2 sound pretty cool. I dont remember where I read it but someone was saying that banks are NOT going to be linked, therefore to move your gear you'd have to hire someone to haul it.. IE a wagon driver or such (merchant type person). Then you would have to hire mercenaries to defend the wagons, if you wanted the goods to reach your destination. At the time I read this it sounded like Verant was just toying with different ideas, but if this is true, it would make the game a lot more realistic and fun. Same with owning buildings and such. Seriously, it would be aweome to have a house to come home to in-game... Adds a sense of realism. Thats what I think EQ1 lacks, is a sense of realism in some aspects. EQ1 has some very good things going for it.. such as how enormous the world feels for a beginner (just like real life), the whole sense of adventure when your doing quests. (However, I think there could be MAJOR improvments in the quest system... I wish you could be able to almost do all your xp'ing through quests.)

Anyways... I'm going to stop rambling, I'm interested to see what they actually ship the game with in regards to features and realism. With Verant, however, it sometimes seems that they talk up their games so much that they cant deliver on all the features they promise. Hell.. look how long it took for us to get the new UI... originally that was going to be a new feature for the Luclin Expansion.
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