Thread: Caster UI
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Old 01-07-2003, 08:48 PM   #1
A Ghoul
Join Date: Aug 2002
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Default Caster UI

This is a UI I've been working on the past few days. It's still heavily under work, just trying to get a feel of any ideas you guys may have:

In a general sense, it's made mostly for enchanters, as far as positioning and windows are concerned, however I think it would be useful for any caster class.

1) The auto-attack red flash surrounds the target, not the player. The actual target and player windows have been reversed to make this possible.

2) The pet window contains the 4 most used pet commands: Attack, Guard, Back, and Follow.

3) The cast spell bar is between the player mana and the XP bar in the player window. It shows only when casting a spell. There is no stamina bar.

4) The hot buttons cycle colors when you mouse over them =P

5) The HP bars are all multicolored. This isn't necessarily good for clerics, even though I can read it just fine. But it's easily changeable with a graphic change and color changes in the window_pieces01 and appropriate XML files.

It's a continuing work in progress. I'm adding new features and changing current ones as I type.
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