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Old 08-08-2002, 04:19 PM   #6
A Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 3
Post Gettign set up

I have always modified my interface to see as much of the world as possible. I think all Rangers want to see whats around them as one of their skills is that of a puller & exploder.

Here are a few points that I will be pushing toward while I’m customizing an interface.

small but legible icons / buttons etc

I have grown accustom to using the keyboard for sitting, book, invite, disband, etc so all those vision blocking things will be gone.

I also like placing windows up where they will support each other in the even I am using my mouse for some reason keeping the target, group, spells, self.

When I move around I have a tendency to always take the high ground, as such I differ from most EQ users in that i like my text, "windows", etc. at the top in the "sky" as im often looking down into the "vally"

As a Ranger I’m sure we are use to battle span and possibly having the danger of missing comments due to battle Spam. hits mode was a great and I see they are not taking it out... I hope that we can tweak the hitsmode / "chat windows" enough to get what we want. One question I had was Damage shields showing up in the "main window" is there a way to move this to a different window or is the easy way to move all "chat" to a new window, combat to a new window and just close that original window down?

Tacking I like the quick changes you can do however I don’t like the space it takes up so I’m still hopping someone makes a nice track window to use so I donut have to :-)

I like the spell tip text on the new buff window that are always on for now, as well as the background color change effects. However once we get use to the icon I believe many will not need the "text" showing up, so ultimately I think a small effects icon with each spell having a outline or bar that would enable you to quickly know if you had harmful spell cast on you would be the ultimate set up.

Some of the innovatory / hotkey combinations are great.... perhaps would I would change would be to cut down on the number of innovatory slots as my use with them would be to change a few weapons around as needed [swiftwind/LSoEE with Swarmcaller, etc]

heads up this is my first post... don’t know if my Sig, etc will work :-)
Norwolf Shadoweyes - Erollisi Marr Server

The strength of a man is not determined by the strength of his weapon
but by the strength of his resolve.
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