Thread: Question
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Old 08-12-2002, 04:17 PM   #41
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 8

The DTD that defines how a specific EQUI xml file has to look like is what's causing your error. The PetHP gauge is probably REQUIRED whereas the Breath Bar for instance is optional. This is most likely what's causing your XML error.

There are certain things you cannot change about the interface currently, even though *technically* you should be able to. Techincally you can change the help files to ones of your liking, but these are repatched when you run EQ. There is a workaround, but aside from doing something after the game patches, it is just not possible.

If Verant let us change whatever we wanted about the DTD file then the whole program would break, because the parser wouldn't know what to do with the new things it wasn't expecting. On a certain level, things have to be hardcoded. There has to be specifications that dictate how a file looks and what it contains and what is optional and what is not. That's just how it is.
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