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Old 04-19-2003, 12:27 AM   #37
A Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 3
Default My Solution

Like many others, I already had a skin-set loaded prior to trying to install this mod. I wasted a lot of time trying to figure out what the instuctions meant. Reading the boards didn't help much either, since I couldn't find the "How to fix it" posts people were telling others to go read. So I experimented. It's pretty simple to fix really. This is what you do.

1) Unzip all the files into your pre-existing skin directory.
2) Copy the EQUI.XML file from your \uifiles\default folder to you skin folder. (This was the missing part)
3) Edit the copied EQUI.XML file to include the edits the readme.txt states. (see below)

Copy paste the files into your directory.

Don't forget to add the following lines in the EQUI.xml file

That's it! just make sure you save the file when you are done inserting the above 2 lines.

This "missing" step may have been obvious to most people, but it wasnt obvious for me, so I just figured I'd post it here to help others out.


I use the Koari skin, and everything works now! This MP3 player is awesome. It fits right in with my minimalist UI, and is far better then the crappy one VI gave EQ. Nice mod!
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