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Old 05-05-2003, 10:06 AM   #1
A Shissar Disciple
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 112
Default Need Help Modding This Target Bar Please

Can't figure it out...

Ok, this is the target bar from the "Soes" UI. I dig it but the only thing I would really like is for it to have my own health on it also.

There is a "line bar" (think of the blue bar on your experience gauge) that I would like to make my own health instead. So if someone could remove the "line bar" and replace it with my own health that would rock!

In other words, it will still look like one gauge, but the little line on the bottom part will be my health instead of a blown up view of whatever bubble the target's health is in.

I know this is possible... as a matter of fact I have done it before. But I can't seem to get it to work right this time. I'm no XML pro... far from it. So if one of you kick ass peeps could take a few minutes to throw this together for me I would be eternally grateful... well at the very least I would smile profusly.

From what I gather, you need to stack the player health gauge right on top of the target health gauge... just make it thinner.

Anyways, enough babble... I think you get what I mean... if not then I'll include pictures or something hehe.

Thanks in advance!!!
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Cragzak Bonehead ~ Baron Ogre Warlord
Tarew Marr Server
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