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Old 06-24-2003, 05:18 PM   #12
A Treant
Join Date: May 2003
Server: E'Ci
Posts: 29

If youre smart with fear kiting, you dont get adds. Also, adds are fairly easy to deal with. Since you shouldnt be chasing your pet all around, if you get an add its going to aggro your pet. While its beating on your pet, you snare it... which makes it come for you. Then you can do whatever with it.

Anyway, when you go to a new zone, you quickly figure out the best place to fear kite. Usually by a zone. Druids should know as well as anyone that a snared mob is of little danger.

Fear kiting is by far one of the most risk-free ways of gaining experience in the game. Which is probably why they made mobs above level 55 unfearable.

In the stated argument, Druid vs. Necro, its a wash. Different kinds of soloing. Necros can solo easily with little fear of dying. Druids can quad kite (FYI I've "quadded" 6 mobs as a necro before... its not hard as long as you pay attention...) which gives more exp, but more chance of messing up and dying.

However, if you want to talk pure exp gain, or pure ability to solo large mobs (if time is no factor...) bards own all.

Swarm kiting 20+ mobs > quad kiting. Sometime, ask a high level bard if they have ever swarm kited in Halls of Honor for massive ammounts of AAexp. Then ask them how upset they were when that was nerfed because they shouldn't be able to do that.
Baron Vishuz Angrypants
65 Deciever of Crimson Legacy
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