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Old 12-19-2003, 03:44 PM   #90
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 5
Default 12-18 patch

As the 12-18 patch has brought in combat abilities, theres yet another window no1 has space for. I've seen the size of the combat abilities window.... and with smaller hotkeys it can be made a little bit smaller. Is there any way that combat abilities can be a tab (like inventory/clickies) with pet commands? I have 4 chat boxes (2 original that came with oldschool Main Chat and Melee/Spells, and 2 100% transparent windows above: Tells and Spam) so i have no more space for windows. It's too bad the window can't be minimized and have it flash when an ability is available.

Anyway, I hope that the new window can be tabbed in (or maybe if it needs to be its own number, when you click on the II in pet window it goes 100% transparent and brings the abilities window to the front, and same for the abilities window when you click I).

I love your UI Talyns and i hope you keep the updates coming =)
moo, hear me roar
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