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Old 05-06-2004, 04:18 PM   #9
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Ellyana
the "task" system sounds promising, the graphics overhaul is way over due all the rest sounds great too.
if handled right this expansion could convince me to return to eq..

Honesty Ellyana, I believe OOW expansion is just going to be LOY2.0, it'll be a great micro expansion, nothing really worth getting unless you want the new level cap or AA abilites.. If SOE would take EQ back to it's D&D3 roots like Vanguard is doing I could see this expansion being worth it. However, so far it looks like another "money for EQII development" expansion.

/START micro rant
Best of Luck to SOE with EQ, EQ2, EQOA, EQOA2, EQmac, EQpda, LoEQ and whatever spinoff SOE decides to Wh(deleted) out EQ with.
/END micro rant
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