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Old 06-10-2004, 01:33 PM   #1
A Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2004
Server: Erollisi Marr
Posts: 2
Default ...and I'm not as dumb as I look (usually)

k..So I downloaded this:

but my interface looks nada like that at all. I have downloaded 3 different UI's and none of them look like thier pics. (IE the spell books aren't nearly as intricate, targeting circles are regular). There is uaually a small change to the UI such that the buttons have changed, the "texture" has changed on the windows, but nothing as dramatic (and really cool) as the pics found on the download pages...

In specific tho, I like this one...and cant get it to work. I checked the equierror log (I think that's it) after I attempted to load this, and all it says is "log created..." I know the logs works, cuz when I tried to load the 1st few UI's I was seeing error messages when I had sub-folders when there shouldn't have been, etc...

I guess my question is SHOULD my UI look like the one in the pics off the download pages?

OR do I have to download additional pieces parts (IE spell books, targeting rings and inventory windows?)

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