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Old 07-29-2002, 06:20 AM   #8
A Bat
Join Date: Jul 2002
Server: The Rathe
Posts: 1
Smile Fonts and Icon sizes in New UI

While it is very sweet of Bramblee to have come here asking for help for me, it wasn't necessary Bramb.

For me the 640 by 480 screen resolution makes every Icon and font size readable to me with a chat font of 4. This resolution however if you know doesn't allow a whole lot of screen left over for actual combat and seeing the world, but it is doable.

All I was whining about to my guild was the 800 by 600 resolution is much better for seeing the world but the box sizes and fonts/icons get so small at that resolution, I almost have to put my nose on the monitor to see it. Not a good way to play EQ mind you.

Thanks for the suggestion about the UI files I will look at them and see if I can change the defaults myself.

Benibinik Qanuk
52 Vicar of Brell
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