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Old 09-16-2005, 04:44 PM   #8
A Ghoul
Join Date: Dec 2002
Server: Lanys
Posts: 12

Yep, that was exctly the problem. I rotated the image to work on it and didn't rotate it back when I was done. Now my new problem is that I can't get the ring to wrap all the way around and touch seemlessly. I have a small gap where the two ends are supposed to meet. I tried adding on to the end of the image to make it a bit longer but when I did, it compressed the whole image into half a ring. Then I went in and srtetched the file a bit and almost got the ends to touch. Still working that problem. If anyone klnows of a simpler way to get the two ends to meet, please let me know and thank for all the help. I really appriceate it.

Rjengel, just downloaded your target ring and will look at the file in hopes of better understanding exactly how it works. Thanks
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