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Old 09-26-2005, 10:13 PM   #12
A Tundra Mammoth
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 69
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2 more thoughts..

1. HotButtons... people have been asking for ways to somehow hotbutton their clicky items.. Like clerics who when they rez have to, swap to click stick,s end tell to target announce rez in raid chat.. and click item... finally swap back to primary.. That takes 3 or 4 different hotbuttons.

Commands like /activate primary, /activate secondary etc.. would be great for hotbuttons.

Then a cleric can set up a rez button like this

/bandolier Activate Rezzing (Swap to click stick)
/tt Rez Incomming (Tell So and So Rez)
/rsay Rezzing %t (Announce ot raid)
/activate primary (click rez )
/pause 20 (pause while casting)
/bandolier Activate Primary (swap back to primary)

2. Above would require 6 lines... which brings me to something else.
A way to stack more commands on a hotbutton. Be nice to have a way to have 2 commands per line.. or more. Don't see why it couldn't be done, it's all on client side and would be extremely useful given all the functionality there is now.

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