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Old 12-01-2007, 11:19 AM   #105
A Ghoul
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 19

Originally Posted by oakling
That's a little more tricky then it would seem (easy to add an extra buff slot but it would make the buff window rather odd shaped); currently it's 8 by 3 which fits nicely, to make it 25 the window would need redesigning. The only way I can see it working would be to shrink the short buff window and having 2 gaps.

Something like that making the box 1 buff wider, if it's something you really want then I can do it I'm just making you aware of the sacrifice to the short buff window.

Sure... I know I don't want it 5x5, and that means something ugly is going to have to happen. I had assumed I'd just make it 9x3, and not sweat it since presumably in the future we'll get new buff slots again. But now I'm noticing that my screen width just about perfectly would fit a window that was 13x2. I'm trying to decide if I'd prefer that, and then would presumably also want a long thin short duration buff window. Hmm.

Originally Posted by oakling

This on is missing drag item references, something I can add in if the latest full version doesn't have them. Let me take a look and if there is a few missing I'll upload a patch.

That terminology doesn't mean much to me, but I'll just assume you understood my question and have an idea how to address it, thanks :-)
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