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Old 07-23-2014, 02:32 PM   #1
A Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 2
Default Simple Stice ETW Resize

Hello. I recently downloaded the Simple Stice UI, and love it, but am trying to tweak a few things to make them line up better in my UI layout. Trying to get the player window, group window, and ETW all the same width.

I managed to get the group window the correct size by changing some of the Size properties, but am having issues with the ETW. Changing those same size values doesn't seem to do anything, and I can't figure out why. I'm thinking it is because it is setup as a "TileLayoutBox". What values need to be changed to modify the width of these? Here is the code that I'm thinking would be relevant, but can provide more, or you can download it from :

<Screen item="ExtendedTargetWnd"> <!--<ScreenID/>--> <Layout>ETW_LayoutV</Layout> <RelativePosition>false</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>150</X> <Y>150</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>150</CX> <CY>50</CY> </Size> <Text/> <Style_Transparent>false</Style_Transparent> <TooltipReference></TooltipReference> <Style_Titlebar>false</Style_Titlebar> <Style_Closebox>true</Style_Closebox> <Style_Minimizebox>true</Style_Minimizebox> <Style_Border>true</Style_Border> <Style_Sizable>true</Style_Sizable> <Style_SizableBorderTop>false</Style_SizableBorderTop> <DrawTemplate>WDT_Inner</DrawTemplate> <Style_ClientMovable>true</Style_ClientMovable> <Pieces>TileLayoutBox:ETW_Targets</Pieces> <!-- <Pieces>Screen:ETW_HorizontalBarTemplate</Pieces> <Pieces>Screen:ETW_VerticalBarTemplate</Pieces> --> </Screen>
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