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Old 08-06-2023, 09:51 AM   #3
A Snow Cougar
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 45
Interface Author - Click to view interfaces

Ok... so...

The new UI engine ONLY functions on windows daybreak has ported over to it; nothing else. At this point you cannot have an Achievement window in the new UI engine.

The layout converter doesn't work. The EQI community has already discussed this in other threads on these forums, as well as threads on the EverQuest forums. Don't bother with it at this point.

You don't get to choose one engine at this point. You get to work with both; even those that have forced the client to use the old xml default UI to escape bugs/issues with the windows they have ported over are still running both engines.

The process of loading a UI runs through a script, as detailed Here by Niente, and Here by me.

The rest of your content/questions in this post seem to be html specific stuff that I'm afraid I have little idea of what you're actually talking about.

Originally Posted by hendar_of_halas
Is there a way to get the player's pet's target name into a label? I do not see an EQTYPE for that. There is the pet's target's HP, which is the closest reference.

I'm trying to scale up some controls.

While I'm at it, is there any hope of changing the font size of the cascading menu used by right-clicking empty spell gems?

The player's pet's target name is part of the Gauge EQType 41. There is no label EQType for it.

I haven't tried changing cascading menus personally, but I believe, with the exception of the one attached to the EQButton (which can be modified in CascadeMenu.txt) they are all hard-coded and unable to be changed.

MercenaryInfo AltPurchaseCost
Originally Posted by hendar_of_halas
Both the text and icon seem uncontrollable.

I can change the icon's size, but not its X location. (Well if I remove the relative positioning it will appear in the main window coordinates). I have been able to shift the Y coordinate a bit, but never X.

The accompanying text can have a color change, but does not move.

The icon and the text are two different elements. Both should be able to be moved or re-sized; neither appears hard-coded.

<Button item="MIW_AltPurchaseCostIcon"> <ScreenID>AltPurchaseCostIcon</ScreenID> <EQType>mercenary/InfoWnd/AltPurchaseCostIcon</EQType> <Location> <X>215</X> <Y>1</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>18</CX> <CY>18</CY> </Size> <ButtonDrawTemplate> <Normal>A_GoldCoin</Normal> <NormalDecal>A_GoldCoin</NormalDecal> </ButtonDrawTemplate> </Button>

<Label item="MIW_AltPurchaseCostText"> <ScreenID>AltPurchaseCostText</ScreenID> <EQType>mercenary/InfoWnd/AltPurchaseCostText</EQType> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>173</X> <Y>0</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>36</CX> <CY>16</CY> </Size> <Text>123</Text> <AlignRight>true</AlignRight> </Label>

If it was a combined text/button element like the display for platinum, gold, silver and copper in the inventory... you can move the icon around with <DecalOffset> tags and resize it with <DecalSize> and the text elements can be moved around with <TextOffsetX> and <TextOffsetY> tags. SIDL.xml is your friend that helpfully shows you all the tags.

Your icon/text will "disappear" if you move them outside the total element size though - your element size <CX><CY> still needs to be big enough for them to display.
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